Question : PDS in Assam

(a) the names of the commodities and the quantum thereof received by Assam through PDS from the Union Government during the last three years;

(b) the number of households along with the number of members who have received these commodities through PDS;

(c) the rates at which each household receives commodities through PDS along with the details of the commodities;

(d) whether the shopkeepers or agents of PDS receive their commission timely, if so, the details thereof during the last three years; and

(e) the details of the commodities which are provided by the Union Government to the State Government of Assam through PDS?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (e) : The commodities wise allocations under Public Distribution System during last three years are as under:

Years NFSA
(Thousand Tons) Sugar (MT) Kerosene Oil (KL)
Wheat Rice
2016-17 53.72 1633.14 8448 289248
2017-18 69.38 1625.75 8448 245856
2018-19 69.38 1625.75 8448 245856



(b) to (d): Assam implemented National Food Security Act, 2013(NFSA) in December, 2015 and foodgrains for 251.63 lakh persons under NFSA are being allocated, based on identification reported by the State Government. Current central issue prices (CIP) of foodgrains under NFSA for rice, wheat and coarsegrain are Rs. 3/-, 2/- and 1/- per kilogram respectively.

Central assistance provided to Assam Government for meeting expenditure incurred towards intra-State movement and handling of foodgrain under FPS dealer’s margin under NFSA during last three years is as under-

(in crore)
Assam 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
174.20 397.38 286.47

After Implementation of NFSA Government decided to continue to distribute sugar only for AAY families at fixed subsidy of Rs. 18.50 per kg @ 1 kg per month per family. The State/UTs are also allowed either to absorb the additional cost on account of handling, transportation and dealer’s commission or pass it on to the consumer by adding it to the Retail Issue Price (RIP) of Rs. 13.50 per kg under PDS. The government of Assam has not participated in the sugar subsidy scheme operative from 1/06/2013 to 31/03/2017. Further they have also not furnished sugar subsidy claim in current sugar subsidy scheme for AAY families operative from 1/06/2017.


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