Question : Construction of Reservoirs

(a) whether the Government has completed the task of identifying and categorizing flood prone areas in the country, if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government is considering to construct large scale reservoirs to store flood water for future irrigation use or planned diversion of the flood water, if so, the details thereof; and
(c) whether the Government has taken any measures specially at Murshidabad region on the banks of Ganga River to check land erosion?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The XII Plan Working Group on “Flood Management and Region Specific Issues” had compiled the area liable to floods in the country as 49.815 million hectare (mha) on the basis of information furnished by various States.

(b) As per information available, live storage capacity of completed reservoirs in country has been assessed as 253.38 BCM and that of reservoirs under construction is 50.96 BCM. Further, storage capacity of dams under planning by State Governments is assessed at about 104 BCM. The storages created are used for various purposes such as irrigation, drinking water, flood moderation etc.

(c) The schemes for anti-erosion works and protection of embankments are formulated and implemented by concerned States as per their priority. The Union Government supplements the efforts of the States by providing technical guidance and promotional financial assistance for management of floods in critical areas. Government of India has launched the Flood Management Programme (FMP) for providing central assistance to States for works related to river management, anti-erosion, restoration of damaged flood management works and anti-sea erosion etc. Three projects of Murshidabad District have been approved and included under FMP during XI & XII Plan as bank protection/ flood protection schemes. The details are at Annexure-I.



Annexure referred to in reply to part (c ) of Lok Sabha Unstarrred Question No. 851 to be answered on 17.07.2017 regarding ‘ Construction of Reservoirs’

Financial Assistance provided to Government of West Bengal during XI and XII Plan for Schemes included under State Sector Scheme ''Flood Management Programme''
Rs in Lakh
No. Scheme
Code No. Name of Scheme/ State Location Estimated Cost Central
Tributary District/
Taluka XI + XII Plan
Total XI Plan XII Plan
1 WB14 Bank protection works along both banks of the river Bhagirathi at Sundarpur&Basantpur, Kazipara to Nabagram&Saharbati to Uttarasan outfall in the district Murshidabad& at Sanyalchar in the district Nadia, West Bengal. Bhagirathi Murshidabad& Nadia 2366.00 1774.50 975.38 444.38 1419.76
2 WB15 Bank protection works along the right bank of river Ganga-Padma at Ichalipara, Moya, Galadarya, PaschimBeechpara (Bamnapad) in district Murshidabad and Bousmari in district Nadia, West Bengal. Ganga-Padma Murshidabad& Nadia 2813.00 2109.75 1182.00 727.5 1909.50
3 WB18 Improvement of embankment and ancillary works in Kandi and other adjoining areas of district of Murshidabad Kandi Murshidabad 43894.00 32921.00 2498.46 2498.46
Total 49073.00 36805.25 2157.38 3670.34 5827.72

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