Question : Closer of Sterlite Copper Plant

(a) whether according to CARE rating 2019 one of the key factors of India becoming a net importer of copper is due to closure of a major plant of Sterlite Copper of Vedanta located at Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the impact of the closure on industrial and other sectors of economy dependent on that plant and estimated loss of revenue and production material to the country at large; and

(d) Whether Government has made any efforts to restart the plant and if so, the outcome thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): CARE Ratings September 2019 industry research reports has stated, inter-alia, that with the closure of the Tuticorin smelter, the drop in domestic production has led to the domino effect of increasing the country’s imports and decreasing its exports and country India has become a net importer of refined copper. The above Tuticorin smelter in Tamil Nadu, which has annual capacity of 4 lakh tonnes of refined copper, is closed since May 2018 on order of State Govt of Tamil Nadu. Closure of the plant has affected the domestic production of refined copper.
Presently, the M/s Vedanta Limited has filed a writ petition before Madras High Court during February 2019 challenging the orders of the State of Tamil Nadu and TNPCB and the matter is under sub-judice.

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