(a) whether the Government has constituted a committee to tackle the problems of corruption and improve transparency;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the committee has since submitted its report to the Government; and

(d) if so, the major recommendations contained in the report and the action taken/ being taken thereon?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. (SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY)

(a): A Group of Ministers (GoM) headed by the Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee was constituted on 6th January, 2011 to consider measures that can be taken by the Government to tackle corruption.

(b): The terms of reference of the GoM are as follows:-

1. To consider all measures, including legislative and administrative, to tackle corruption and improve transparency;

2. In particular, the GoM may consider and advise on the following:-

(i) State funding of elections;

(ii) Fast tracking of all cases of public servants accused of corruption;

(iii) Ensuring full transparency in public procurement and contracts, including enunciation of public procurement standards and a public procurement policy;

(iv) Relinquishing discretionary powers enjoyed by Ministers at the Centre;

(v) Introduction of an open and competitive system of exploiting natural resources;

(vi) Amendment to Article 311 of the Constitution to provide for summary proceedings in cases of grave misdemeanor or blatant corruption by public servants; and

(vii) Consideration of relevance/need for section 6(A) of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946.

(c): The Group of Ministers (GoM) has, so far, submitted two reports to the Government.

(d): A Statement containing some of the major recommendations made by the GoM and the action taken by the Government on these recommendations is at Annexure-I.


Statement in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3279 for 25.4.2012.

Sl.No.	Recommendations made by	Action taken by the Government.	the GoM on tackling corruption.
1. The Departments/Ministries should The recommendation has been accepted by primarily use serving officers as the Government and instructions have IOs & POs and in important cases, been issued. they may request CVC to appoint their CDI as IO.
2. Consultation with UPSC should The recommendation has been continue while second stage con- accepted by the Government sultation with CVC may be dispensed and instructions have been issued. with. However, in those cases where consultation with UPSC is not required under the extant rules/ instructions, the second stage consultation with CVC should continue.
3. The major penalty of compulsory The recommendation has been accepted by retirement should be modified so the Government with the modification as to provide for a reduction in that the competent authority may pension upto 33%. Rule 9 of CCS impose upto 20% cut in pension in such cases. (Pension) Rules, 1972 and other Necessary action has been initiated. similar applicable rules may be amended accordingly.
4. Mere superannuation of an officer The recommendation has been accepted by should not be a ground for dropping the Government with the modification that proceedings for minor penalty. A a ceiling of upto 10% may be allowed cut in pension up to 20% should be in place of upto 20%. Action imposed in this type of minor penalty. has been initiated. Rule 9 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and other similar applicable rules may be amended accordingly.
5. In all cases where the Investigating The recommendation has been accepted Agency has requested sanction for by the Government. Instructions are prosecution and also submitted a already in place for adhering to draft charge sheet and related the prescribed time limit of 3 months. documents along with the request, it will be mandatory for the competent authority to take a decision within a period of 3 months from receipt of request, and pass a Speaking Order, giving reasons for its decision.
6. Old cases of CBI, pending for more The recommendation has been accepted by than ten years may be reviewed by a the Government and action has been Committee headed by a retired Judge initiated. of the Supreme Court.
7. The Public Procurement Bill, 2012 The recommendation has been should be introduced in the Parliament accepted by the Government and expeditiously. the Ministry of Finance has been advised accordingly.
8. A general advisory should be issued The recommendation has been to all Ministries/ Departments to accepted by the Government and carry out an exercise for putting instructions have been issued. in place regulating parameters for exercise of discretionary powers of Ministers and putting them in public domain so as to minimize arbitrariness in exercise of such powers.