Question : MPLAD Fund

(a) whether the Members of Parliament gave assistance from MPLADS fund after the natural disaster that struck district Rudraprayag in 2013;

(b) if so, the total amount received from the above fund and given to the Uttarakhand Government;

(c) the amount utilised by the Uttarakhand Government for infrastructure building from the money collected under the MPLAD fund;

(d) whether the desired infrastructure has not been built and the amount so collected under the MPLAD fund has remained unutilised;

(e) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and

(f) the steps taken by the Government to build the infrastructure?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Members of Parliament have contributed an amount of Rs. 5869 lakh to undertake rehabilitation/reconstruction works in areas affected by the natural disaster in Uttrakhand in 2013. Out of the total amount contributed, 25 works costing Rs. 2078 lakh have been approved for Rudraprayag district.

(c) to (e): The District Authority Rudraprayag has reported that an amount of Rs. 1687.00 lakh has been received by them from the concerned Nodal Districts. Out of the received amount, an amount of Rs. 1354.923 lakh has been utilized by them. An amount of Rs. 391.00 lakh is yet to be transferred to them by the concerned Nodal District Authorities.

The District Authority has also informed that 9 works have been completed and the remaining works are under construction.

(f): The matter is continuously pursued by this Ministry for expeditious transfer of funds by the remaining Nodal District Authorities to Rudraprayag district and early completion of sanctioned rehabilitation works by Government of Uttarakhand.


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