Question : Non-Utilization of Allocated Budget

(a) whether many farmers welfare schemes are neglected or ineffective due to the Ministry’s failure to fully utilise the budget allocated by the Union Government during the last three years;

(b) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto;

(c) the budget allocated during the last three years along with the amount spent, year-wise;

(d) whether the Government has identified the officials responsible for the under utilisation of funds and taken any action against them;

(e) if so, the details thereof;

(f) if not, the reasons therefor; and

(g) the reaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) & (b): Agriculture is a State subject. Government of India supports and facilitates the State Government through several Centrally Sponsored Schemes to promote agriculture in the country to boost farmer’s income through various schemes/programmes. The funds are released strictly as per the prescribed guidelines of the respective Schemes and also the requirements of the State/UT Governments. The release of funds to States/UTs out of budget available is based on the utilization of funds by the State Governments/Union Territories.

(c): The details of budgetary allocation for the last three years and actual expenditure are as under:-
Rs. in crore
Demand No. 1 – Department of Agriculture,
Year BE RE Actuals
2015-16 17004.35 15809.54 15333.92
2016-17 35983.69 48840.50 37029.81
2017-18 41855.00 41105.00 37538.77
2018-19 46700.00 47800.00 35043.67* (up to Dec., 2018)

(d) to (g): Does not arise.


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