Question : Pre-Feasibilty Report of Mekedatu Project

(a) whether the Government has received any proposal from the State of Karnataka in 2019 regarding clearance of the proposed Pre-Feasibility Report (PFR) of Mekedatu balancing reservoir cum drinking water project and if so, the details and present status thereof; and
(b) whether the Government has received any proposal from the State of Karnataka for the construction of Dam in Mededatu for providing drinking water facility to Bangalore city and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The Feasibility Report (FR) of Mekedatu Balancing Reservoir cum Drinking Water Project was• submitted to Central Water Commission (CWC) by Government of Karnataka for according "in¬-principle" clearance for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the project. The Screening Committee of CWC in its meeting held on 24.10.2018 accorded "in-principle" clearance for preparation of DPR by project authority (Government of Karnataka) subject to certain conditions including that: "As the main objective of this scheme as stated in the FR is to implement the Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal (CWDT) Award as modified by the Hon''ble Supreme Court, acceptance of Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA) would be a pre-requisite for consideration of the DPR by the Advisory Committee of MoWR, RD & GR”.

Subsequently, DPR of Mekedatu Balancing Reservoir cum Drinking Water Project was submitted by Government of Karnataka to CWC in January 2019 and copies of DPR were forwarded to CWMA. Discussion on the DPR of the above project was included as an agenda item during various meetings of CWMA. However, discussion on this issue could not take place due to lack of consensus among party States.

(b) As per the details given in the DPR of Mekedatu Balancing Reservoir cum Drinking Water Project, submitted in January 2019 to CWC, the project, inter-alia, envisages construction of a concrete gravity dam on Cauvery river at Mekedatu and inter-alia, envisages meeting drinking water requirement of Bengaluru metropolitan region and its adjoining area to the extent of 4.75 TMC.


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