(a) whether the Government have received any proposals to accord approval to the Power Projects to be set up in various states in the country and locations during the last three months;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise; and

(c) the stages at which these proposals have been pending?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) : Six power projects in private as well as public sector have been received in the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) for accord of Techno-Economic Clearance (TEC) during the last three months i.e. from December, 1999 to February, 2000. The name of the project, executing agency, installed capacity, location, date of receipt in CEA and present status of these projects are given below:-

S.	Name of Scheme/State/	Inst.	Date of	Present Status
No.	Executing Agency	Cap.(MW)	Receipt	in CEA
1. Karbi Langpi (Lower 2x50 7.12.99 Project is under Borpani HEP in Assam by preliminary Assam State Electricity scrutiny and Board (Karbi Anglong Distt.) all necessary clearances such as MOEF clear- ance,CWC clear- ance etc. are yet to be recd.
2. Sankh HEP St.II in Bihar 186 28.12.99 Returned on by Bihar Hydro Power Corp. 13.1.2000 as Ltd. (Distt. Gumla) fresh DPR sent by BHPCL was the same as was sent earlier in 12/97 without taking into account CEA/CWC comments sent to them earlier BHPCL requested to submit fresh DPR based on latest price level & various CEA/CWC comments.
3. Kattupalli CCPP(LNG) in 1000 30.12.99 Project is Tamil Nadu by M/s Chennai under prelimi- Power Generation Ltd. nary scrutiny (45 Kms. from Chennai on in CEA. All the East Coast) essential inputs/clearances required for TEC are yet to be obtained by the IPP.
4. Mandya CCPP in Karnataka 164.4 3.2.2000 Revised DPR by M/s Mandya Power received in Partners Ltd.(Distt. 2/2000 is Mandya) under scrutiny. Essential inputs such as Compliance of Sec.29(2), NOC of State Pollu- tion Control Board, water availability (Centre), Fuel linkage and its transport, MOEF clearance and tentative financial package etc. are yet to be tied up.
5. Krishnapatna `A` TPS in 2x260 3.2.2000 Project is Andhra Pradesh by M/s under preli- GVK Power (Krishnapatnam) minary scrutiny Pvt. Ltd. (Distt. Nellore) in CEA. All essential inputs required for TEC of the project are yet to be tied up.
6. Hazira CCGT in Gujarat 156 14.2.2000 Project is by M/s Gujarat State Energy under preli- Generation Ltd. (Distt.Surat) minary scrutiny in CEA. All essential inputs required for TEC of the projects are yet to be tied up.