Question : FUNDS TO NGOS

(a) whether the Government provides funds/financial assistance to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and other Sports organisations for promoting sports and youth affairs under different schemes;

(b) if so, the details of the funds/grants provided during each of the last three years and the current year, organisation/NGO wise, scheme-wise and State-wise;

(c) whether the Government has conducted any review of the work carried out by the said organisations/NGOs;

(d) if so, the outcome of the said review;

(e) whether the Government has noticed that some NGOs and other sports organisations have been found to be involved in financial irregularities/misutilisation of the allocated funds; and

(f) if so, the details thereof during the said period alongwith the action taken against each of such organisation/NGO?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes, Madam. The Government provides funds/financial assistance to Non-Governmental Organisations(NGOs) and other Sports organizations for promoting sports and youth affairs under different scheme. The details of the funds/grants provided during each of the last three years and the current year, organisation/NGOs-wise, scheme-wise and State-wise are annexed. No funds have so far been released to any NGOs during the current year 2012-13.

(c) & (d): Under the Scheme of National Programme for Youth and Adoloscent Development (NPYAD), grants are released for five programme areas, such as Youth Leadership and Personality Development, Promotion of National Integration, Promotion of Adventure, Development and Empowerment of Adolescents and Technical and Resource Development by the Non-Governmental Organizations. The review of the work is done on the basis of the details submitted by the grantee organization, on completion of the programme/activities, along with performance report, list of participants indicating their age, gender, caste, funds utilization certificate and Accounts Statement duly signed by a Chartered Accountant, and an Inspection Report signed by either a State Govt. Officer or by a District Youth Coordinator of NYKS only. Based on the review, the scheme is modified from time to time to make it more meaningful.

The Government has requested the Office of the Chief Commissioner of Persons with Disabilities to arrange visits/inspections by the respective state Commissioners for Persons with Disabilities of the concerned NGOs located in State and submit the reports to the Government.So far Government has received reports in respect of three States. The reports received show satisfactory implementation of the scheme.

(e) & (f): A report has been received by the Government regarding misappropriation of funds by an Ex-Secretary of Mahabir Training & Research Centre for Rural Development, Bhadrak, Orissa, which was sanctioned Rs.2,36,250/- in 2010-11 under the scheme of Sports and Games for Persons with Disabilities for which a report in the matter from the Government of Orissa has been sought.