(a) and (b) Under Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources-State (NLCPR-State) Scheme, 1635 projects worth Rs.16233.78 crore have been sanctioned in the North Eastern States, out of which 1204 projects worth Rs.9557.20 crore have been completed, while for 431 projects worth Rs.6676.59 crore that are ongoing, the implementation is at various stages. The NLCPR-State Scheme has since been restructured as North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS) with effect from 15.12.2017. Since then funding under the NLCPR-State scheme is provided only for ongoing projects to meet committed liabilities. The State-wise details of projects sanctioned under NLCPR-State are as under:
(Cost in Rs. crore)
S.No. State Sanctioned projects Completed projects Ongoing projects
Number of projects Cost Number of projects Cost Number of projects Cost
1 Arunachal Pradesh 207 2484.01 140 1542.38 67 941.63
2 Assam 446 3875.97 258 1604.2 188 2271.77
3 Manipur 177 1857.13 148 1078.44 29 778.69
4 Meghalaya 107 1533.96 69 709.34 38 824.62
5 Mizoram 159 1393.1 136 1084.68 23 308.42
6 Nagaland 170 1805.4 135 1271.75 35 533.66
7 Sikkim 247 1409.69 221 1060.93 26 348.76
8 Tripura 122 1874.52 97 1205.48 25 669.04
Total 1635 16233.78 1204 9557.20 431 6676.59
(c) The status of funds allotted, released and utilised under the NLCPR-State scheme during the last three years and the current year is as under:
(Rs. in crore)
Financial Year Budgetary Estimates Revised Estimates Expenditure
2018-19 692.00 657.40 450.21
2019-20 392.00 379.59 379.59
2020-21 407.16 197.28 197.28
2021-22 404.50 - 200.07
(as on 30.11.2021)
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