Question : Untreated Sewage Water

(a) whether the Government is aware of the large quantity of untreated sewage effluents in Indian rivers;
(b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to ensure treatment of sewage effluents before discharging them into the rivers;
(c) the State/UT-wise details of sewage treatment plants, the funds allocated for them, the amount utilized in their capacity and non-existence of these plants with special reference to Gujarat; and
(d) the details of action taken for non-compliance of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 with special reference to Gujarat during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d) As per report published by Central pollution Control Board (CPCB) in March, 2015; sewage generation from urban areas in the country is estimated at 61, 948 million litres per day (mld), against which available sewage treatment capacity was only 23,277 mld of this including 70 proposed sewage treatment plants and an operational capacity of sewage treatment plants was found to be 18,883 mld. The State/ UT-wise details of sewage generation from urban areas and corresponding sewage treatment capacity available in accordance with the report including Gujarat, are given at Annexure–I.

Cleaning of river is a continuous process and Central Government is supplementing the efforts of the State Governments and Union Territories in addressing the challenges of pollution of rivers by providing financial and technical assistance through schemes like National River Conservation Plan (NRCP), Namami Gange. The NRCP has so far covered polluted stretches of 34 rivers in 77 towns spread over 16 States in the country with a sanctioned cost of Rs.5870.54 crore. Under Namami Gange, the rejuvenation of Ganga and its tributaries have been taken up. So far, a total 310 projects have been sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs.28790.66 crore under Namami Gange. Of these, 116 projects have been completed and made operational.

In addition, sewage infrastructure are created under programs like Atal Mission For Rejuvenation & Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and Smart cities Mission.

State/UT-wise details of the financial assistance provided and sewage treatment capacity created under NRCP and NMCG are given at Annexure II. In respect of Gujarat, a central fund of Rs. 493.17 crore has been released so far under the NRCP. As per CPCB, 32 STPs with 2111.64 mld of installed capacity are operational in Gujarat.

CPCB, SPCBs and PCCs monitor industrial pollution with respect to effluent discharge standards and take action for non-compliance under various provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. Besides, CPCB had issued directions on 21.04.2015 to the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 asking them to issue directions to Local Authorities responsible for sewage management in their respective cities/towns and to submit time bound action plans for collection, transportation and treatment of sewage generated in urban area. CPCB also issued directions on 09.10.2015 to Local Authorities under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for sewage management in Class I Cities and Class II towns and asked them to ensure treated waste water is disposed in accordance with the stipulated standards.

During last three years, Gujarat Pollution Control Board has taken following actions under the Water Act, 1974 in the State of Gujarat against the defaulting industries:

Action / Year Show cause notice issued Direction issued Legal notice issued
2017 66 51 19
2018 79 38 56
2019 210 56 36



Annexure referred to in reply to parts (a) to (d) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. †2431 to be answered on 05.03.2020 on ‘Untreated Sewage Water’.

State/ UT-wise details of sewage generation in urban areas and treatment capacity available

Sl. No. State/Union Territory Sewage Generation in urban areas (mld) Installed Treatment Capacity (mld) Number of STPs
1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 22 -
2. Andhra Pradesh 2871 247.27 12
3. Arunachal Pradesh 50 - -
4. Assam 703 0.21 1
5. Bihar 1879 124.55
6. Chandigarh 164 314.5
7. Chhattisgarh 951 - -
8. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 26 - -
9. Daman & Diu 29 - -
10. Goa 145 74.58 7
11. Gujarat 4119 3062.92 51
12. Haryana 1413 852.7 41
13. Himachal Pradesh 110 114.72 66
14. Jammu & Kashmir 547 264.74 19
15. Jharkhand 1270 117.24 15
16. Karnataka 3777 1304.16 57
17. Kerala 2552 152.97 10
18. Lakshadweep 8 - -
19. Madhya Pradesh 3214 482.23 17
20. Maharashtra 8143 5160.36 76
21. Manipur 132 - -
22. Meghalaya 95 1 1
23. Mizoram 90 10 1
24. Nagaland 92 - -
25. Delhi 4155 2693.7 35
26. Odisha 1121 385.54 13
27. Puducherry 136 68.5 6
28. Punjab 1664 1245.45 86
29. Rajasthan 2736 865.92 63
30. Sikkim 24 31.88 11
31. Tamil Nadu 5599 1799.72 73
32. Telangana 1671 685.8 18
33. Tripura 154 0.05 1
34. Uttar Pradesh 7124 2646.84 73
35. Uttarakhand 495 152.9 24
36. West Bengal 4667 416.9 28
Total 61948 23277 816

Annexure referred to in reply to parts (a) to (d) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.†2431 to be answered on 05.03.2020 on ‘Untreated Sewage Water’.

State-wise details of rivers, sanctioned cost and sewage treatment capacity created covered under National River Conservation Plan
(excluding Ganga and its tributaries)
(Rs. in crore)
S. No. State Rivers covered Sanctioned Cost Funds released by central Govt. STP capacity created (in mld)
1 Andhra Pradesh Godavari 21.78 259.80 30.00
2 Telangana Godavari & Musi 345.72 621.46
3 Jammu & Kashmir Devika &Tawi 186.74 30.00 0
4 Jharkhand Subarnarekha 3.14 4.26 0
5 Gujarat Sabarmati, Mindola & Tapi 1779.78 493.17 333.00
6 Goa Mandovi 14.09 9.26 12.50
7 Karnataka Tunga, Bhadra, Tungabhadra, Cauvery & Pennar 66.25 47.83 41.64
8 Maharashtra Godavari, Tapi, Krishna, Panchganga & MulaMutha 1182.86 208.95 260.00
9 Madhya Pradesh Wainganga, Narmada & Tapti 20.16 12.46 7.95
10 Manipur Nambul 97.72 18.00 0
11 Odisha Brahmini, Mahanadi Coastal Area (Puri) 92.74 63.40 50.00
12 Punjab Ghaggar, Beas & Satluj 774.43 516.14 663.20
13 Tamil Nadu Adyar, Cooum, Vaigai, Vennar, Cauvery & Tamrabarani 908.13 623.65 477.66
14 Kerala Pamba 18.45 7.78 4.50
15 Sikkim Rani Chu 275.75 181.43 20.12
16 Nagaland Diphu and Dhansiri 82.80 34.50 0
Total 5870.54

State-wise details of rivers sanctioned cost and sewage treatment capacity created covered under National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG)

(Ganga and its tributaries)
(Rs. in crore)
Sl. No. State Rivers Covered Sanctioned Cost Fund released by central Govt. STP Capacity created (in mld)
1. Uttarakhand Ganga, Alaknanad, Bhagirathi, Mandakini, Kosi, Rispana & Bindal 1151.18 814.51 165.28
2. Uttar Pradesh Ganga, Yamuna, Kali, Gomti, Saryu, Ram Ganga 10288.38 3108.64 1649.14
3. Bihar Ganga, Burhi Gandak, Kharkari 5328.6 2116.33 631.50
4. Jharkhand Ganga 156.12 208.38 15.50
5. West Bengal Ganga, Damodar, Banka 3789.71 957.16 865
6. Delhi Yamuna 2361.08 559.39 1384.50
7. Haryana Yamuna 217.87 89.61 145
8. Himanchal Pradesh Yamuna 11.57 0 1.72
Total 23309.51 7854.02 4857.64


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