Question : Gender Parity

(a) whether the Government has taken any steps aimed at gender parity in Science and Technology sector by inducting more women talent in the Research and Development domain through various Programmes/Schemes;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Ministry to provide various career opportunities to women scientists; and

(c) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Madam.

(b) & (c): In the year 2014-15, Department of Science and Technology (DST) started Knowledge Involvement Research Advancement through Nurturing (KIRAN) Scheme by bringing women-specific programmes/schemes under one umbrella to provide various career opportunities to women scientists. KIRAN is primarily aimed at bringing gender parity in Science & Technology (S&T) sector by inducting more women talent in the research & development (R&D) domain through various programs/schemes. ‘Women Scientist Scheme (WOS)’ of KIRAN, DST, provides career opportunities to unemployed women scientists and technologists, especially those who had a break in career, for pursuing research in frontier areas of Science and Engineering. There are three major components of Women Scientist Scheme (WOS) namely, i) Women Scientists Scheme-A (WOS-A) for conducting research in Basic & Applied Sciences, ii) Women Scientists Scheme-B (WOS-B) for projects in research that encompass S&T interventions for Societal Benefit and iii) Women Scientists Scheme-C (WOS-C) that enables them to become Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) professional. In 2016-17, ‘Mobility’ component was introduced under KIRAN to address relocation issue of working Women Scientists. In 2017-18, DST also launched ‘Indo-US Fellowship for Women in STEMM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Medicine) under KIRAN to provide opportunities to Indian Women Scientists, Engineers & Technologists to undertake International collaborative research in premier institutions in USA for duration of 3-6 months. Further, DST has conceived a new programme ‘Vigyan Jyoti’ during 2017-18 for intervention at school level to significantly enhance participation of girls in higher education and careers in Science & Engineering and launched a Pilot initiative in 14 premier academic institutions from different geographical locations. Under this Pilot Project, residential programme of 3 weeks duration is envisaged for meritorious girls studying in Class XI that encompasses various activities aimed at mentoring and motivating them to pursue higher studies and careers in science & engineering. In addition, Women Scientists & Technologists are also encouraged to attend capacity building programmes related to R&D, entrepreneurship development, enhancing managerial skills and leadership under ‘National Program for Training of Women Scientists & Technologists working in Government Sector’ of DST. Further, institutional support is also provided through Consolidation of University Research through Innovation and Excellence in Women Universities (CURIE) Programme to facilitate & augment women’s participation in R&D activities in S&T Domain. Women Technology Parks (WTPs) are promoted to extend S&T facilitation at a single platform particularly for women to address challenges related to livelihoods, occupational hazards, health, nutrition and so on. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) is also implementing ‘Biotechnology Career Advancement and Re-orientation Programme (BioCARe)’ to enhance the participation of Women Scientists in Biotechnology research.


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