Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE & FARMERS WELFARE ???? ??? ????? ?????? ??????
be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that India has logged a record milk production during 2014-2015 as compared to a year before, if so, the amount of milk produced annually during the last three years, State-wise;
(b) whether the milk productivity (Production per animal) in the country is far less as compared to those in developed dairy nations, if so, the reasons therefor;
(c) the quantity of milk available per capita in the country as compared to the minimum quantity recommended by the World Health Organisation;
(d) whether the Government has launched a new initiative called National Gokul Mission for preservation of indigenous cow breeds to enhance their milk production and productivity, if so, the details thereof including the budget allocated for the purpose, State-wise; and
(e) the details of other steps taken by the Union Government to increase the milk production in the country?