(a) whether the details of companies/corporations/undertakings, both public and private in the country who have defaulted in payment of their shares in Employees Provident Fund (EPF) during the last three years and thereafter year-wise and State-wise;

(b) the reasons for such defaulting;

(c) the extent of gap between default and recovery recording during the above period;

(d) the details of companies/corporations/undertakings whose assets have been auctioned by the Government to realise the EPF amount dues during the above period;

(e) the procedure adopted by the Government to appoint Valuers before auctioning the assets;

(f) whether the Government provide adequate time to the defaulters to clear their dues;

(g) if so, the details thereof;

(h) whether the Government propose to formulate a concrete policy in future to get the PF deposited in time; and

(i) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The details are provided at Annexure-A.

(b): The reasons for default include- economic recession, financial constraints, sickness of industry, stays by courts, liquidation, closure as well as wilful default on the part of the employer.

(c): The extent of gap between default and recovery is given at Annexure-B.

(d): The details are provided at Annexure- C.

(e): The Employees` Provident Fund Organisation does not appoint any valuer. Instead, the services of valuers approved by various departments of the Government are taken as and when required.

(f) & (g): Yes, Sir. After quantification of dues under Section 7A and 14B of the Emp0loyees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 a notice of 15 days is given to defaulters. In case of non-remittance of dues within the financial year, Recovery Certificates are issued in respect of the outstanding dues. On every Recovery Certificate, the recovery officer issues a demand notice, allowing an additional notice period of 15 days for remittance of dues. Coercive actions are only initiated subsequently. Besides, in deserving cases, instalment facility is also provided.

(h) & (i): Yes, Sir. The Employees` Provident Fund Organisation has already launched a re-engineering program, which covers recovery. Monthly default is monitored through an IT assisted program called the `Computerised Compliance Tracking System` (CCTS).


Region	2000-2001	2001-2002 2002-2003 as on 30.6.2003
Public Private Public Private Public Private Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector Sector
Estt. Amt Estt. Amt Estt. Amt Estt. Amt Estt. Amt Estt. Amt Estt. Amt Estt. Amt
Andhra Pradesh 44 3246.96 3377 2991.65 45 2231.97 2842 5404.67 52 4101.74 1330 6079.50 52 4101.74 1345 7696.46 Bihar 78 5772.36 689 1188.15 28 3779.08 286 931.19 32 4410.94 42 257.14 6 500.57 114 1015.63 Chattisgarh 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 1152.10 321 380.00 3 1105.65 222 302.25 3 1105.65 400 357.94 Delhi 1 390.27 278 971.39 2 148.14 401 1562.37 1 35.43 311 2269.39 1 179.52 890 2071.90 Goa 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 48 144.29 0 0.00 84 174.63 0 0.00 90 187.18 Gujarat 26 1381.97 1116 2935.70 26 1424.46 2043 4447.85 24 882.22 2145 3637.22 24 882.22 2048 4483.03 Himachal Pra. 6 22.43 128 282.17 4 22.40 131 494.90 2 18.67 136 357.51 2 18.67 124 588.07 Haryana 16 4823.96 1058 2188.52 18 2601.13 998 4840.15 5 1300.78 1035 4975.64 5 1300.78 984 6214.38 Jharkhand 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 2830.98 337 533.02 8 3004.70 123 666.29 2 120.01 46 197.80 Karnataka 14 3841.86 762 2790.35 31 3836.72 405 2294.50 30 2440.55 1288 6515.05 30 2440.55 769 6650.88 Kerala 36 786.82 1347 2991.36 51 776.35 1666 4438.76 40 1069.47 3336 5645.60 19 152.08 4755 1185.15 Madhya Pradesh 354 6911.67 1654 4298.37 24 2148.85 1913 11099.56 46 6379.98 1846 2943.25 46 6379.98 1142 2608.29 Maharashtra 30 3246.56 1790 7423.15 270 6318.39 1174 3977.52 46 5321.24 2130 13051.65 30 5347.77 2171 15523.31 N-E Region 42 3409.66 319 222.92 77 3387.73 172 510.85 35 2539.53 271 722.74 31 2865.84 374 758.13 Orissa 359 3778.33 970 1496.78 342 5026.91 916 2466.61 124 3900.04 1093 3264.54 13 255.90 26 158.98 Punjab 71 1228.66 1489 1062.23 120 1243.24 2847 1645.59 23 691.65 1910 2722.26 30 691.65 646 3040.18 Rajasthan 9 2289.35 1323 1511.83 9 2298.74 1272 1691.20 13 1436.93 1369 1505.52 13 1218.19 1647 1691.38 Tamil Nadu 669 1018.02 6380 6048.80 53 768.51 7816 9180.62 31 1059.84 6258 11036.12 61 665.69 11395 12898.70 Uttar Pradesh 228 2742.16 1155 4192.57 216 3548.91 2984 3593.65 98 7022.18 2322 4690.22 98 7022.18 2436 4911.18 Uttaranchal 0 0.00 0 0.00 38 366.75 68 394.83 22 992.16 59 149.76 22 812.45 61 150.31 West Bengal 95 23317.90 294 7604.90 169 12038.27 1347 17642.32 68 14213.93 1764 18285.29 68 14213.93 1847 28702.65
2078 68208.94 24129 50200.84 1535 55949.63 29987 77674.45 703 61927.63 29074 89251.57 556 50275.37 33310 101091.53

Annexure- B
(Rs. in crores)
Year Total Default Recovery made Gap between default and recovery@
2000-2001 1981.08 796.98 1184.10 2001-2002 2194.77 858.53 1336.24 2002-2003 2397.77 885.99 1511.79

1.4.2003 to 30.6.2003## 1741.60 227.93 1513.67
@ Demands not immediately realizable because of stay by courts, sickness of industry (BIFR), liquidation of establishments etc.
## Provisional Figures
Annexure- C
Region Name of the estt. Amount realized Date of auction (Rs. in lakhs)
Karnataka Samrat Ashok Exports Ltd., Bangalore 150.00 28.3.2001 Kerala Apple Photo Beedi, Palakkad 6.71 1.6.2001 Maharashtra ATV Projects India Ltd. 0.44 30.4.2003 Orissa Chhotelal Kumbhar 0.59 8.7.2003 Punjab Mianji Steel (P) Ltd. 1.35 3.12.2002 Tamil Nadu Ganesh CNC 0.05 22.10.2001 Iggi Resorts International, Chennai 0.37 8.7.2002 Chemech Engg. Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 5.72 10.10.2000 & 18.2.02
West Bengal Grand Azad Hind Transport Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata 3.60 2.3.2000 & 25.10.2000 Ancillary Suppliers, 24, Parganas 21.51 25.10.2000 Angus Co. Ltd., Kolkata 10.38 25.6.2001 Samnuggur Jute Factory Plc., Kolkata 86.25 20.8.2001 Victoria Jute Co. Ltd., Kolkata 67.38 20.8.2001 Diamond Lifter Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata 2.83 11.10.2001 Central Inland Water Transport Co.Ltd.,Kolkata 21.00 11.10.2001
TOTAL 378.18