Question : World Mental Health Day

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has observed World Mental Health Day recently, if so, the details along with the aims and objectives thereof;

(b) the details of the theme of the event along with the programmes/events organized by the Government on this occasion;

(c) whether the National Mental Health Survey reveals that 9.8 million teenagers in the age group 13-17 years suffer depression and other mental health disorders and if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government has set up or proposes to set up hospitals to take care of teenagers suffering from depression and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) whether the Government popularize awareness regarding mental health issues and mobilize efforts to support mental health and if so, the details thereof and the achievements made in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): The World Mental Health Day (WMHD) is observed on 10th October of each year. The day is observed with the objective to mobilize efforts in support of mental health and to raise awareness about mental health issues and advocate against the social stigma that surrounds mental health. The World Mental Health Day, 2019 was observed with the theme of “Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention”. On this occasion Central Government Hospitals/ Institutions and the District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) teams in the States conducted conferences/ workshops, various activities and awareness programmes with focus on suicide prevention. The Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare along with Health Ministers of various States/UTs also released leaflets on suicide prevention in New Delhi on this day.
(c) to (e): As per the National Mental Health Survey, 2016, the prevalence of mental disorders in teenagers aged 13-17 years was 7.3% and nearly 9.8 million in this age group needed active interventions. To address the burden of mental disorders, the Government is implementing the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) in the country since 1982. The Government is supporting implementation of the District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) under NMHP in 655 districts of the country for early detection, management and treatment of mental disorders/illnesses. With the objective to address the shortage of qualified mental health professionals in the country, the Government is implementing Manpower Development Schemes for establishment of Centres of Excellence and strengthening/ establishment of Post Graduate (PG) Departments in mental health specialties. Till date, support has been provided for establishment of 25 Centres of Excellence and strengthening/establishment of 47 Post Graduate (PG) Departments in mental health specialties in the country. Tertiary level mental healthcare facilities are provided through dedicated Mental Health Institutions as well as Medical Colleges run by Central and State Governments. The Government has also enacted the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, which came into force w.e.f. 29/05/2018. The Act aims at protection and promotion of the rights of persons with mental illness during the delivery of health care in institutions and in the community. To generate awareness among masses about mental illnesses Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities are included as an integral part of the NMHP. Funds upto Rs. 4 lakh per annum are provided to each District under the DMHP for IEC and awareness generation activities in the community, schools, colleges, workplaces, with community involvement. Under the DMHP, various IEC activities such as awareness messages in local newspapers and radio, street plays, wall paintings, hoardings etc. are also undertaken.

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