) and (b): Yes, Sir. Common Services Centre have been set up in Gram Panchayats to provide multiple services including cyber services. These are managed and run through a special purpose vehicle – viz. CSC-SPV. As of 31st May 2019, 365918 CSCs are in operational in the country
(c): The status of CSC set up in the country as on 31st May, 2019 is at Annexure-I.
(d) and (e): It is proposed to set up at least one CSC per Gram Panchayat across the country by August, 2019 subject to feasibility. Details of numbers of CSCs set up are also at Annexure-I.
No. of Functional CSCs incl GP Level No. of Functional CSCs at GP level No. of Functional CSCs incl GP Level No. of Functional CSCs at GP level
State/UT As on 31 May''19 As on 31 May''19 State/UT As on 31 May''19 As on 31 May''19
Andhra Pradesh 9305 6560 Sub-Total Carried Over 218256 158382
Arunachal Pradesh 203 122 Punjab 8829 6825
Assam 6370 5439 Rajasthan 16148 11611
Bihar 31758 26012 Sikkim 50 36
Chhattisgarh 14716 10478 Tamil Nadu 10860 5936
Goa 94 64 Telangana 5206 3293
Gujarat 12582 7973 Tripura 959 764
Haryana 12527 8579 Uttar Pradesh 78350 58444
Himachal Pradesh 3708 3253 Uttarakhand 6405 4918
Jammu & Kashmir 3158 2430 West Bengal 18444 14993
Jharkhand 14345 11468 State Total 363507 265202
Karnataka 8937 4646
Kerala 4004 2981 Andaman & Nicobar 54 27
Madhya Pradesh 29318 20472 Chandigarh 84 11
Maharashtra 51487 35341 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 54 26
Manipur 803 546 Daman & Diu 39 13
Meghalaya 599 491 Delhi 1971 0
Mizoram 248 55 Lakshadweep 12 12
Nagaland 279 40 Puducherry 197 107
Odisha 13815 11432 UT Total 2411 196
Sub Total 218256 158382 GRAND TOTAL 365918 265398
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