(a) the present status of the creation of the National Cancer Grid (NATCANGRID) along with the objective thereof;

(b) whether the Government has received any proposal from the State Government of Maharashtra to establish a Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur under the National Cancer Grid;

(c) if so, the details thereof along with the action taken by the Government thereon;

(d) whether similar proposals have also been received from the other States/UTs; and

(e) if so, the details thereof along with the present status of each of these proposals, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As ascertained from the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, the National Cancer Grid is envisaged to be a network of existing and future major cancer centres in the country created with the mandate of:
i) Creating uniform standards of patient care across the length and breadth of country, bringing high quality cancer care to the doorsteps of patients.
ii) Augmenting human resource capabilities in cancer management in the country.
iii) Promoting collaborative research in cancer.
Two preliminary meetings for the above have been held in August, 2012 and February, 2013 where major Cancer centres in the country participated.

(b) & (c) Yes. A proposal for financial assistance of Rs.378.47 crore has been received from Government of Maharashtra to establish a comprehensive Cancer Institute at Government Medical College and Hospital at Nagpur. The extant scheme for cancer (The National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke-NPCDCS) does not have provisions to consider a proposal of this magnitude. The existing scheme provides for a financial assistance up to Rs. 6.00 crore ( Rs. 4.80 crore from Central Government and Rs. 1.20 crore from State Government) after fulfilling the guidelines and conditions.

(d)&(e) Proposals under National Cancer Grid have not been received from other State/UT Governments.