(a) whether India’s external debt has grown alarmingly within the span of a few years;

(b) if so, the details of the debt grown along with rate of interests applicable thereon during each of the last three years and the current year upto June, 2013;

(c) the details of short term and long-term debt payable during each year of the said period; and

(d) the amount of debt due to be paid back by March, 2014 and the details of the Government’s plan to meet this liability?

Answer given by the minister


(a): India’s external debt increased from US$ 305.9 billion at end March 2011 to US$ 345.5 billion at end March 2012 and further to US$ 390.0 billion at end March 2013.

(b) & (c): The details of India’s external debt during the last three years are given below:

(US$ billion)
Year	2010-11PR	2011-12PR	2012-13QE
Long-Term Debt	240.9	267.3	293.4
Short-Term Debt	65.0	78.2	96.7
Total External Debt	305.9	345.5	390.0
PR: Partially Revised, QE: Quick Estimates.

The interest rate on external debt varies from loan to loan, as it depends upon borrower and creditor type, the maturity profile and the reference interest rate. India’s external debt service payments during the last three years are given below:
(US$ billion)
Year	2010-11PR 2011-12PR	2012-13QE
Principal	13.4	23.0 20.4
Interest	6.1	8.5 10.9
Total Debt Service	19.5	31.5 31.3
(d): Short term debt by residual maturity has been estimated at US$ 172.3 billion (Reserve Bank of India press release dated June 27, 2013) at end March, 2013. As most part of this will be either rolled over or renewed, there will be no major implication on foreign exchange outflow.