Question : Distribution of Aids and Assistive Devices

(a) the details of the distribution of aids and assistive devices provided to ‘Divyangjan in the State of Madhya Pradesh including Bhind Parliamentary constituency during the last three years;
(b) the total funds allocated and utilized along with the number of beneficiaries under the motorized tricycle distribution scheme during the last three years and the current year in Madhya Pradesh, District wise; and
(c) the measures taken by the Government to increase awareness regarding the scheme in Madhya Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister


(a). The details of the distribution of aids and assistive devices to Divyangjan under the Scheme of ‘Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP)’ in the State of Madhya Pradesh including Bhind Parliamentary constituency during the last three years are as under:-
Year Number of Divyangjan Funds Utilized ( crore)
2018-19 15317 12.41
2019-20 17587 9.48
2020-21 29936 16.96

(b). There is no separate allocation of funds made for distribution of Motorized Tricycle under the ADIP Scheme. The details of district wise funds utilized and number of Motorized Tricycle distributed in the State of Madhya Pradesh are at Annexure.

(c). For spreading awareness about the Scheme, advertisements are released by the Ministry in newspapers while organising the distribution camps. Provision has also been made in the ADIP Scheme for use of 5% of the grant-in-aid as administrative overhead expenses for conducting awareness, assessment and follow-up camps. Besides, the following measures are taken by the Implementing Agencies for creating awareness about the Scheme:-

i. Distribution of the pamphlet locally.
ii. Display of banners at prominent places close to assessment camp locations.
iii. Dissemination of information about scheme through publishing advertisement in local newspapers.
iv. Post distribution publicity is also done in the electronic media like You-tube channel, Facebook, Twitter etc. to spread the awareness about the scheme.

The awareness measures taken by the Department across the country including Madhya Pradesh, during the last three years in respect of the ADIP Scheme are as under:-
No. Particulars Activities 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1. Print Media Publicity
(Only in Madhya Pradesh) No. of Print Advertisements through Bureau of Outreach and Communication(BOC) 05 07
2. Electronic Media Publicity
(across the country including Madhya Pradesh) ADIP documentary film and Scrolling of Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO)’s helpline Number on Doordarshan 01

(30 minutes duration documentary film) 0 01

(2 months duration Scrolling of ALIMCO’s helpline number )
3. Press releases & Media clippings after the event
(across the country including Madhya Pradesh) Media clipping in various newspapers. 35 55 136

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