Question : Doses of COVID Vaccine Administered

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Government is aware that less than 10 percent of Indians have got even single dose of COVID vaccine, despite India being the world‘s leading vaccine manufacturer, if so reasons thereof;
(b) the total number of people vaccinated with first dose and second dose as on date and number of COVID-19 vaccination sites operating in the country, State/UT/district-wise;
(c) whether the Government is aware that many vaccination sites in the country got closed down due to non availability of vaccines at those sites, if so, the details thereof and the time by which they are likely to be reopened; and
(d) the steps taken by the Government to pace up the vaccination campaign including increasing the present supply of existing vaccines and granting emergency use authorisation to other WHO approved vaccines manufactured in foreign countries?

Answer given by the minister

(a): As on 20th July 2021, around 34.5% of estimated population aged 18 years and above has received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
(b): As on 20th July 2021, a total of 32.64 crore 1st dose and 8.55 crore 2nd dose have been administered across the country. A total of 2.15 lakh COVID-19 Vaccination Centres have been operational across the country (State/UT-wise details at Annexure).
(c): There has been no shortage of vaccines and Government of India has been providing free supply of vaccines to States/UTs for administration to prioritized beneficiaries as recommended by NEGVAC. Advance visibility of these allocations i.e. the total doses of vaccine that would be available to State/UT, are provided 15 days in advance so as to enable States/UTs to prepare plan for acceleration of vaccination coverage while being cognizant of the available vaccines.

(d): Government of India has taken many steps to augment the domestic manufacturing capacity COVID-19 vaccines. These include support to M/s Bharat Biotech and three Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) under ‘Mission COVID Suraksha- the Indian COVID-19 Vaccine Development Mission’, technology transfer of Covaxin production, financial assistance to one of the domestic vaccine manufacturers for ‘At-risk manufacturing’, advance payment against the supply orders placed with M/s Serum Institute of India and M/s Bharat Biotech, and streamlining of regulatory norms for approval of vaccines.

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