(a) It has been decided to implement the following activities for utilization of funds under Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) :
(i) Education programmes through Media (Electronic as well as print media);
(ii) Providing financial assistance to Voluntary associations or institutions for Investor`s Education and Protection including research activities;
(iii) Coordinating with institutions engaged in Investor education, awareness, and protection activities;
(b) No, Sir.
(c) Does not arise.
(d) During the year 2004-05, IEPF has received 34 applications from various Voluntary associations and Institutions for registration as well as financial assistance.
(e) For the year 2005-2006, the IEPF has been allocated a budget of Rs.2.5 crores. The programme chalked out for 2005-2006 is as follows: -
(i) Organisation of two `Training of Trainers` programme especially for new organizations which have a rural outreach, even if such organizations had not been registered with the IEPF.
(ii) Media Campaign through DAVP by organizing three series of investor education publicity campaign and also through AIR-FM.
(iii) Organisation of three Investor Melas at three different cities to provide opportunity to the capital market intermediaries and the investors to come together.
(iv) Organisation of three Investor related seminars at three different cities by involving reputed business schools.
(v) Preparation of a Compendium of activities of IEPF undertaken during the last two years.
(vi) Programmes conducted through voluntary organizations/ associations.
(f) As per the information received from the Registrar of Companies, an amount of Rs.370,47,95,998/- has been credited to the IEPF as on 31.05.05 maintained in the Consolidated Fund of India.
(g) No, Sir.
(h) Does not arise.