(a) Whether thousands of applications/ petitions are pending before various Inconie Tax
Appellate Tribunals throughout the country;
(b) If so, the details for each of the last three years; and
(c) The action being taken to expedite the process?
(a) Whether thousands of applications/ petitions are pending before various Inconie Tax
Appellate Tribunals throughout the country;
(b) If so, the details for each of the last three years; and
(c) The action being taken to expedite the process?
(a) Yes Sir.
(b) Statement showing details of pendency as such before various Benches of the Tribunal for
the last three years is appended herewith as Annexure `A`.
(c) At the end of the year 2002-03 there was pendency of 180666 appeals, which has now been brought
down to 70832 appeals as on 01.04.2008. Apart from disposal of the appeals instituted during the
respective years, appeals were disposed of expeditiousiy by bunching of identical issues, by
undertaking special drives for disposal of small and covered issues by fixing special benches of
senior Members to deal with complicated and complex issues and by attempting to run all the Benches
and also by keeping proper administrative control and monitoring the performance of the Members.
The aforesaid steps are being taken in greater vigour presently so as to further bring down the
pendency of Appeals with the Tribunal.