(a) whether the Government have introduced Gramin Awaas Yojna under the Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojna;

(b) if so, the funds allocated/released by the Union Government and spent by States for the purpose, as on date, State-wise;

(c) the number of families living below poverty line, benefited under the scheme during the current year; so far, State-wise;

(d) the number of persons likely to be benefited under PMGY during the remaining period of the current year;

(e) the number of projects received from various States under the scheme;

(f) the number of projects cleared/sanctioned under the scheme, State-wise; and

(g) the steps taken/proposed to be taken to sanction the pending projects?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Sir.

(b) to (d) A Statement on State-wise funds allocated, released and utilized under the PMGY:GA since inception of the Scheme till date as well as the number of houses constructed during the current financial year so far is Annexed. Ministry of Rural Development do not fix any targets under the Scheme.

(e to g) A total number of 28 project proposals were received and sanctioned during 2000-2001. During the current year, 19 project proposals have been received and cleared by this Ministry so far.

Annexure as referred to in parts (b) to (d) of reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 254 to be answered on 20.11.2001

Central allocation, releases and Utilization of funds under PMGY - GA during 2000-2001 and 2001-2002

(Rs in lakhs)
Sl. State Allocation Releases Utilization ++ No of houses No. 2000-01 2001-02 2000-01 2001-02 2000-2002001-200constructed / families benefitted during 2001-02
1 ANDHRA PRAD 2130.90 1591.10 1065.45 NR NR 2 ARUNACHAL PR 1022.55 763.50 511.28 NR NR 3 ASSAM 2693.55 2011.20 1346.78 NR NR 4 BIHAR 3291.90 2457.90 3291.90 4301.32 NR NR 5 CHHATTISGARH 471.00 351.70 471.00 175.85 NR NR 6 DELHI NCT 165.75 123.80 185.00 NR NR 7 GOA 11.70 8.70 11.70 5.85 1.05 NR NR 8 GUJARAT 971.85 725.60 485.92 362.80 NR NR 9 HARYANA 251.70 187.90 251.70 93.95 86.58 26.40 127 10 HIMACHAL PR 1059.15 790.80 0.00 8.28 257 11 J & KASHMIR 2573.70 1921.70 1286.85 NR NR 12 JHARKHAND 1016.85 759.20 1016.85 379.60 NR NR 13 KARNATAKA 1126.95 841.50 563.47 NR NR 14 KERALA 1036.20 773.70 518.10 NR NR 15 MADHYA PR 1235.55 922.50 853.27 NR NR 16 MAHARASHTRA 1486.95 1110.30 1486.95 555.15 NR NR 17 MANIPUR 728.40 543.90 364.20 NR NR 18 MEGHALAYA 608.85 454.60 608.86 227.30 304.43 NR NR 19 MIZORAM 606.15 452.60 606.15 226.30 303.08 NR NR 20 NAGALAND 616.95 460.70 616.95 230.35 308.00 NR NR 21 ORISSA 1478.25 1103.80 1478.25 551.90 258.28 591.64 1382 22 PUNJAB 606.00 452.50 606.00 226.25 298.36 8.28 522 23 RAJASTHAN 1446.00 1079.70 1446.00 723.00 361.49 602.68 3485 24 SIKKIM 421.65 314.80 210.83 157.40 NR NR 25 TAMIL NADU 1571.85 1173.60 2330.85 1111.38 1033.88 1837.09 6263 26 TRIPURA 762.45 569.30 762.45 284.65 353.94 229.32 NR 27 UTTAR PR 5045.25 3767.10 5045.25 1883.50 NR NR 28 UTTARANCHAL 188.40 140.70 188.40 70.35 NR NR 29 WEST BENGAL 2517.30 1879.60 1258.65 NR NR 30 A&N ISLANDS 154.05 115.00 154.00 NR NR 31 CHANDIGARH 68.40 51.10 68.00 NR NR 32 D&N HAVELI 19.80 14.80 20.00 NR NR 33 DAMAN & DIU 15.90 11.90 10.00 NR NR 34 LAKSHADWEEP 26.55 19.80 0.00 NR NR 35 PONDICHERRY 71.55 53.40 72.00 NR NR
TOTAL 37500.00 28000.00 29193.06 11566.90 3309.09 3303.69 12036
+ Provisional ++ As per the reports received. NR - Not Reported by the States / UTs