(a) whether several major and medium including foreign funded irrigation projects have spilled over from earlier Five Year Plans to the ongoing Ninth Five Year Plan, leading to huge time and cost overrun;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise along with the reasons therefor;

(c) the present status, estimated cost, present escalated cost and the time schedule for the completion of each project; and

(d) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government for the expeditious completion of these projects?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statewise details of ongoing Major/Medium Irrigation Projects alongwith their latest estimated cost, expenditure upto the end of VIII Plan and spillover cost in IX Plan.

(Rs. in Crore)
Name of State No. Latest Exp. Spillover of Estimated Upto the cost in Proje Cost end of IX Plan cts VIII (Majo Plan r)

1. Andhra Pra. 12 10130.44 4754.95 5375.49

2. Assam 4 432.82 211.48 221.34

3. Bihar 14 7365.53 2105.27 5260.26

4. Goa 1 678.59 258.65 419.94

5. Gujarat 9 23300.92 6522.47 16777.85 6. Haryana 5 1013.51 725.67 287.84

7 Himachal Pra. 1 150.78 7.47 143.31

8. J & Kashmir 1 151.18 122.84 28.34

9. Karnataka 14 11190.19 5131.64 6058.55 10. Kerala 7 1879.50 942.41 937.09 11. Madhya Pra. 23 10729.65 3131.15 7598.50 12. Maharashtra 36 12958.17 5374.43 7583.74 13. Manipur 2 491.65 225.85 265.80 14. Meghalaya - - - - 15. Nagaland 1 111.02 2.95 108.07 16. Orissa 5 4953.85 1156.55 3797.30 17. Punjab - (1-IS) 3379.53 2704.93 674.60 18. Rajasthan 6 4692.81 2346.01 2346.80 19. Tamil Nadu - - - - 20. Tripura - - - - 21. Uttar Pradesh 18 7359.44 3339.74 4019.70 22. West Bengal 3 2037.41 933.83 1098.58 Total : 162 103186.89 39003.29 64183.60

Note : 7 Major Projects (6 in Gujarat & 1 in U.P.) have been completed during IX Plan.

(Rs. in Crore)
Name of State No. Latest Exp. Spillover of Estimated Upto the cost in Proje Cost end of IX Plan cts VIII (Medi- Plan um)
1.Andhra Pra. 20 623.34 323.51 299.79

2. Assam 9 155.92 99.72 56.20

3. Bihar 29 1065.18 429.37 635.81

4. Goa 1 40.00 2.40 37.60

5. Gujarat 9 337.53 260.02 77.51 6. Haryana - - - -

7 Himachal Pra. 1 11.30 11.26 0.04

8.Jammu & Kashmir 9 223.55 55.88 167.67

9. Karnataka 15 943.67 510.72 432.95 10. Kerala 5 478.93 150.56 328.37 11. Madhya Pra. 32 1012.09 733.15 278.94 12. Maharashtra 66 2076.06 1021.98 1054.08 13. Manipur 2 66.58 56.50 10.08 14. Meghalaya 1 17.81 8.14 9.67 15. Nagaland - - - - 16. Orissa 10 499.95 410.23 89.72 17. Punjab 1 88.49 0.20 88.29 18. Rajasthan 6 240.24 127.22 113.02 19. Tamil Nadu 2 103.75 29.53 74.22 20. Tripura 3 154.00 92.96 61.04 21. Uttar Pradesh 2 54.81 39.99 14.82 22. West Bengal 17 90.42 60.78 29.64 Total : 240 8283.62 4424.12 3859.50

Note : 6 Medium Projects in Gujarat have been completed during IX Plan.