Question : Lateral Entry into MBBS Course

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has any proposal to allow lateral entry for Dentistry/Nursing/Paramedical students into MBBS as per the draft New Education
Policy (NEP), if so, the details thereof and the mode of selection process in this regard;

(b) whether the Government has assessed the longstanding impacts on the quality of treatment and prescription of medicines due to such lateral entry, if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the doctors forum or any other medical association has raised objections in this regard; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and action taken to redress their grievances?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d): There is no such proposal in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Further, the Ministry of Human Resource Development had constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Kasturirangan to draft a National Education Policy (NEP). The Committee has submitted their draft report to the Ministry of Human Resource Development on 31.05.2019. Para 16.8.2 of Chapter 16 of the draft NEP, 2019 states that the first year or two of the MBBS course will be designed as a common period for all Science graduates after which they can take up MBBS, BDS, Nursing or other specializations. Common foundational courses based on medical pluralism will be followed by core courses focused on specific systems, and electives that encourage bridging across systems. Graduates from other medical disciplines such as nursing, dental etc., will also be allowed lateral entry into the MBBS course. A medical education qualification framework to achieve this will be developed in conjunction with NMC.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development has invited suggestions/comments from various stakeholders including Central Ministries, State Governments and the public on the above mentioned draft report. The Ministry of Human Resource Development will finalize the National Education Policy only after considering the inputs/suggestions/comments of all stakeholders. At this stage, no final stand has been taken in the matter.

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