Question : Rise in Natural Disasters due to Climate Change

(a) whether there has been rise in natural disasterslike drought, breaking of glaciers etc. due to climatechange;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the actionbeing taken by the Government to check the saidincidents;
(c) the number of persons killed and injured andfinancial losses caused by such disasters during the lastfive years, State-wise including Uttarakhand andBundelkhand region; and
(d) the other steps taken by the Government for thewelfare of the affected persons?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b)The Government is seized of the matter. There is no established study for India providing a quantified contribution of climate change triggering either natural disasters or fatalities thereto. While many studies monitor disasters such as drought, floods and breaking of glaciers, the science of attribution of these changes particularly to climate change is far more complex and currently an evolving subject. Such changes as observed may also arise from a number of causes, including the inherent variability in the climate systems that are common in the biosphere and the geosphere.Most studies so far have relied on mathematical modelling of climate change impacts but these are yet to be empirically verified.

Notwithstanding, the monitoring of glaciers is pursued by the Indian Space Research Organization, Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Defence Geoinformatics Research Establishment, and Central Water Commission. Further, the National Disaster Management Authority has issued guidelines titled “Management of

Glacial LakeOutburst Floods” in October 2020, which inter-alia includes a discussion on Early Warning Systems.

(c)and (d) Do not arise because it is not established that such natural disasters are triggered due to climate change. However, relief, recovery, and rehabilitation are governed inter alia by the relevant provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and the guidelines, directives, and orders of the National Disaster Management Authority and the State Disaster Management Authorities. The constitutional, legal and administrative provisions relevant to disaster management and disaster risk reduction adequately address the management of disasters in the country.

The government stands committed to combating climate change through its several programs and schemes. This includes implementation of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), which comprises missions in specific areas of solar energy, energy efficiency, water, agriculture, Himalayan ecosystem, sustainable habitat, green India, and strategic knowledge on climate change. The NAPCC provides an overarching framework for all climate actions. Thirty-three States /Union Territories have prepared their State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) in line with NAPCC taking into account the State specific issues relating to climate change. These SAPCCs outline sector-specific and cross-sectoral priority actions, including adaptation.


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