(a) the details of the progress made in power production in Rajasthan during the last two years;

(b) the power generated by Rajasthan through its internal sources and the total supply of power from neighbouring States and Central Grids;

(c) total consumption of power in Rajasthan and the percentage of its own power production against its total consumption;

(d) the progress made by Rajasthan till date in the power sector; and

(e) the reasons for charging higher rates in the State?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) : During the years 1999-2000 to 2001-02 (upto October, 2001), total addition in generating capacity in Rajasthan has been 940 MW. Out of this 500 MW has been in the State Sector (coal based) and 440 MW in the Central Sector (nuclear). The details of energy generated by Rajasthan State Electricity Board (RSEB)/Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. (RRVUNL) and central sector units located in Rajasthan during the years 1999-2000 to 2001-02 (upto October 2001) are given below :

(Figures in Million Units)

1999-2000 2000-2001 April-October, 2001
RSEB Thermal 8184 9860 5865 RSEB Hydro 995 376 182 RSEB/RRVUNL
TOTAL 9179 10236 6047
NTPC-Anta Gas Power Station 3189 2881 1829 Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (Nuclear) 2202 3578 2440
TOTAL 14570 16695 10316

The details of supply of power to Rajasthan from neighbouring states, BBMB and central projects for the last two years and the current year are given below :
(Figures in MUs)
System/sector/State 1999-2000 2000-2001 April-October, 2001
1. BBMB (Bhakra + Dehar + Pong) 3050 2375 1395

2. Central Sector (NTPC+NHPC+NPC) 12329 12186 6320

3. Assistance from neighbouring regions/states
a) Punjab 142 96 - b) Western Region 233 73 26 c) Eastern Region - - 21
Total 15754 14730 7762

(c) : Details of total consumption of energy (ex-bus generating stations) in Rajasthan for the year 1999-2000, 2000-2001 and 2001-02 (Up to October, 2001) are as under :

Consumption (MU)	Own Gen. (RSEB)(MU)	% of Own Gen.	Against consumption
1999-2000 24024 9179 38.21 2000-01 24178 10236 42.34 2001-02 (April-October, 2001) 13512 6047 44.75

(d) : The reform Bill has already been passed and State Electricity Board has been unbundled. Chairman and Members of SERC are already in position and they have already issued tariff orders. Rajasthan has already signed Memorandum of Understanding with Government of India for expediting Power Sector Reforms.

(e) : The tariff of power for various categories of consumers have been fixed by the Rajasthan State Electricity Regulatory Commission after due consultation and considering the cost of various inputs like cost of power, operation and maintenance as well as other factors such as T&D losses, overheads and a return on the investment.