Question : Code VT

Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION
be pleased to state:-

(a) the meaning of special code VT, a name used for Indian aircrafts;

(b) whether the special code VT was assigned to India during the British Colonial period and if so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether the Government of India has made any efforts to change the said code and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION

(a) to (c) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has allotted three series of call signs to India i.e. ATA-AWZ, VTA-VWZ and 8TA-8YZ. Call sign could be the 1st one or two letters of the series, such as: ;
Series 1 - A, AW, AV, AU, AT etc.
Series 2 -V, VW, VV, VU,VT .
Series 3 - 8, 8T, 8U, 8V, 8W,8X,8Y etc.
As per the provisions of Annex 7 of the Chicago Convention our country had the options to choose its call sign from above three series for Indian registered aircraft.;
The call sign VT was assigned to India during International Radiotelegraph convention of Washington, 1927 signed at Washington on 25th November 1927.
If we change the VT call sign then all documents have to be reissued, the aircraft will have to be repainted and cannot fly till all markings are changed. Aircraft will remain grounded during the whole process. It will also have a big financial implication on the airlines.

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