(a) whether the Union Government proposes to announce a new coal distribution policy as reported in the ‘Hindu’ dated October 20,2007;

(b) if so, the objectives and salient features of the new policy;

(c) the extent to which the new policy will help meeting the growing demand of various other sectors;

(d) the time by which the new coal distribution policy is likely to be operational;

(e) whether the new policy will have any adverse impact on any sectors; and

(f) if so, the details thereof, sector-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Yes, Sir. The New Coal Distribution Policy has been announced by the Government on 18th October,2007. The salient features of the new policy are given below:-

(i) The existing classification of consumers into Core & Non-core has been reviewed and it has now been decided to dispense with the same. Instead, each sector/consumers would be treated on merit keeping in view, inter-alia, the regulatory provisions applicable thereto and other relevant factors.

(ii) Requirements of defence sector and Railways will be met in full at notified price, as at present.

(iii) While 100% of the quantity as per the normative requirement of the Power Utilities including Independent Power Producers (IPPs)/ Captive Power Plants ( CPPs) and Fertilizer Sector consumers would be considered for supply of coal, through Fuel Supply Agreement (FSA) by Coal India Limited (CIL), 75% of the quantity as per the normative requirement of the Other consumers/actual users would be considered for supply of coal through FSA at fixed prices to be declared/notified by CIL.

(iv) Enhancement of present cap of 500 tonnes per annum to 4200 tonnes per annum for the small & medium sector consumers. The earmarked quantity would be distributed through state government agencies, central government agencies or industry associations as notified by the State Governments. The quantity earmarked for distribution to these agencies would also be increased to 8 million tonnes annually, to start with.

(v) The linkage system will be replaced with a more transparent bilateral commercial arrangement of enforceable Fuel Supply Agreement FSAs.

(vi) The Letter of Assurance (LoA) to be issued to new consumers now pursuant to the new policy will have a validity of 24 months for consumers/applicants of Power Utilities, CPPs & IPPs and 12 months for other consumers instead of 30 months as earlier. The allottee of LoA would be required to fulfill certain stipulated conditions and meet the milestones within this period and there upon approach coal companies for entering into FSA.

(vii) E-auction scheme for distribution of coal to be introduced to provide access to such consumers, who are unable to source coal through available institutional mechanisms,

(viii) CIL would undertake verification of such consumers of erstwhile non-core sector consumers, in a time bound manner, either directly or through an agency, so as to check the veracity of their claim of being bonafide consumers of coal and thereafter act accordingly.

(c): The New Distribution Policy envisages an efficient and fair distribution of coal resources among various consumers of economy . Therefore, to that extant it would address the issues concerning demand for coal.

(d): The New Coal Distribution Policy provides for a time frame of two months to one year for implementation of various provisions of the policy.

(e)&(f): There is no such adverse report received from any sector on introduction of the New Coal Distribution Policy. The new policy is not likely to have any adverse impact on any sector.