(a) whether the Government provide financial assistance for setting up of Bio-Gas plants with the public toilets;

(b) if so, the details thereof; (

(c) the amount of grant provided to various States during each of the last three years;

(d) whether the grant is likely to be given to the Madhya Pradesh Power Development Corporation for the construction of public toilets at Jabalpur; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Sir. The Government is providing financial assistance for setting up of night-soil based biogas plants linked with public as well as institutional toilets.

(b): The details of the financial assistance being given for setting up of night-soil based biogas plants during the year 2000-2001 under the Central Sector Scheme - Community, Institutional and Night-soil based Biogas Plants (CBP/IBP/NBP) Programme are mentioned below:

Plant capacity	Maximum amount of Central

(cubic metres) Financial Assistance given for a night-soil based biogas plant North Eastern Region Other States States and Sikkim
15 and 20 Rs.2.50 lakh+ Rs.0.70 lakh 25 Rs.4.60 lakh+ Rs.1.50 lakh 35 Rs.4.60 lakh Rs.4.60 lakh 45 Rs.6.25 lakh Rs.6.25 lakh 60 Rs.8.00 lakh Rs.8.00 lakh + This provision includes support for construction of requisite number of toilets also.
(c ): The information is given at the Annexure.

(d) & (e): The CBP/IBP/NBP Programme does not provide financial assistance for construction of toilet to Madhya Pradesh or any other State/ Union Territory, except North Eastern Region States and Sikkim.

Annexure referred to in reply to part(c ) of the Unstarred Lok Sabha Question No.1922 regarding Grants for Setting up of Bio-Gas Plants by Shrimati Jayashree Banerjee for answer on 3rd August 2000.

Funds released to different States for setting up of night-soil based biogas plants during each of the last three years, i.e. 1997-98, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 under the Community, Institutional and Night-soil based Biogas Plants (CBP/IBP/NBP) Programme

State	Funds released (Rupees in lakh)
1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Total
Andhra Pradesh - 5.52 11.04 16.56 Bihar - 1.65 - 1.65 Goa - 5.52 - 5.52 Gujarat - 0.77 0.77 1.54 Haryana - 11.04 11.04 22.08 Karnataka - 0.77 - 0.77 Kerala - - 7.22 7.22 Madhya Pradesh - 11.04 11.04 22.08 Maharashtra 37.30 84.72 39.77 161.79 Manipur - 11.04 5.52 16.56 Nagaland 19.25 3.85 - 23.1 Orissa - - 5.52 5.52 Punjab 99.42 68.09 64.80 232.31 Rajasthan 2.50 20.50 15.64 38.64 Uttar Pradesh 203.98 223.42 200.21 627.61 West Bengal 17.80 21.55 7.60 46.95
Total 380.25 469.48 380.17 1229.90