Question : Pending Irrigation Projects

(a) whether the Government is taking any steps to ensure completion of pending irrigation projects in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh;
(b) if so, the details of such pending projects along with the reasons therefor;
(c) whether the Government is considering to make provision for a separate budget for completion of said pending projects and if so, the details thereof; and
(d) whether certain irrigation projects are pending due to lack of mutual co-ordination among the Government departments and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d) The Water Resources Projects are planned, funded, executed and maintained by the State Governments themselves as per their own resources and priority. In order to supplement their efforts, Government of India provides technical and financial assistance to State Governments to encourage sustainable development and efficient management of water resources through various schemes and programmes such as Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) etc. under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).

During 2016-17, ninety-nine (99) on-going Major/Medium/ERM Irrigation projects (and their 7 phases) under PMKSY-AIBP including four projects of Uttar Pradesh have been prioritized in consultation with States for completion in phases along with their Command Area Development & Water Management (CADWM) works. Funding mechanism through NABARD has also been approved by the Government for both Central and State Share.

One of the prioritized project of UP namely Bansagar Canal benefits the Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh and has been reported complete/almost complete.

Total Central Assistance (CA) of Rs.1006.07 crore and State Share (SS) of Rs.4111.61 crore (including CA: Rs.143.507 crore for Bansagar Canal) has been provided for the above four prioritized projects of UP since April,2016 (so far). The Ultimate Irrigation Potential of these projects is 1653.05 th ha (including 150.13 th ha of Bansagar Canal), out of which, an irrigation potential of 721.92 th ha (including 50 th ha of Bansagar Canal) was created up to March, 2016. An additional potential of 513.41 th ha (including 100.13 th ha through Bansagar Canal) has been reported to be created during 2016-2019 through these projects.


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