Question : Van Dhan Kendra in Uttar Pradesh

(a) the initiatives taken by the Government foruplifting of the tribal people in India, including in UttarPradesh;
(b) the details of the Pradhan Mantri, Van Dhan Self-Help Development Groups and Van Dhan Vikas Kendras,State-wise including the membership of such groups;
(c) the details on the financial assistance providedby the Ministry under the scheme to the SHGS and VikasKendras till now.
(d) the number of tribal enterprises and start-upsthat have been registered along with the data on thenumber of such enterprises and Start-ups state-wise andthe support provided under the PM Van Dhan Yojana.
(e) whether there is any scheme planned to encouragethe tribal art/products under the Local for Vocalcampaign; and
(f) if so, provide details?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Government of India has adopted a multi-pronged strategy of Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) (now called Scheduled Tribe Component) for accelerated development of tribal people across the country including the State of Uttar Pradesh. It envisages channelizing the flow of outlays & benefits from all sectors of development to ST population. STCfunds are dedicated source of fund for tribal development. STC includes support for education, health, sanitation, water supply, livelihood etc. Major part of infrastructure development in tribal dominated areas and provision of basic amenities to tribal people in the countryis carried out through various schemes / programmes of concerned Central Ministries and the State Governments concerned, while the Ministry of Tribal Affairs provides additive to these initiatives by way of plugging gaps.
(b) & (c) The State-wise details of Van Dhan Vikas Kendars sanctioned by TRIFED including the number of Van Dhan SHGs benefitted and the funds sanctioned for VDVKs is enclosed as Annexure.

(d) No Van Dhan Vikas Kendras have been registered yet as an enterprise/ start-up under Van Dhan Vikas Yojana.

(e) & (f) The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is implementing a scheme ''Institutional Support for development and marketing of Tribal Product/Produce'' wherein Grants-in-aid are provided to State Tribal Development Cooperative Corporations (STDCCs) and Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED). The objective of the scheme is to create institutions to support marketing and development of tribal products, including training and skill up-gradation of tribal Artisans, Craftsmen, MFP gatherers and creation of supply chain infrastructure etc. Under the scheme, TRIFED provides marketing platform for tribal products through its network of 73 Tribes India outlets and 33 consignment counters and 15 Franchise outlets in State Emporiums located across the country along with other e-commerce platforms. TRIFED also organizes National Tribal Festival “Aadi Mahotsav" for development of traditional art and culture of tribal population which includes food and handicraft items. The funds released under the scheme during last three financial years are as under:
(Amount in lakh rupees)
Scheme 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
''Institutional Support for development and marketing of Tribal Product/Produce'' 4495.00 7250.00 12850.00


Annexure referred to in Part (b) & (c) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4173 for answer on 22.03.2021

State-wise details of Van Dhan Vikas Kendras, SHGs and Funds Sacntioned

Sl. No State Number of VDVKs Amount Sanctioned (In Rs. Lakhs) Number of beneficiaries No. of SHGs
(20 Members/SHG)
1 Andhra Pradesh 263 3882.9 78818 3941
2 Assam 128 1940 38530 1927
3 Bihar 8 81.5 1630 82
4 Chhattisgarh 139 2085 41700 2085
5 Goa 10 150 3000 150
6 Gujarat 116 1721.2 34424 1721
7 Ladakh (UT) 10 150 3000 150
8 Jharkhand 39 569.7 11601 580
9 Karnataka 19 285 5700 285
10 Kerala 13 195 3900 195
11 Madhya Pradesh 86 1290 25800 1290
12 Maharashtra 264 3960 79350 3968
13 Manipur 100 1496.95 30194 1510
14 Mizoram 159 2306.55 46168 2308
15 Nagaland 92 1380 27600 1380
16 Odisha 156 2269.25 45578 2279
17 Rajasthan 27 402.2 8190 410
18 Sikkim 80 1200 23800 1190
19 Tamil Nadu 7 105 2100 105
20 Telangana 17 255 5100 255
21 Tripura 27 370.85 7429 371
22 Uttar Pradesh 5 59.55 1238 62
23 Uttarakhand 5 74.95 1505 75
Total 1770 26230.6 526355 26318

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