(a) whether the International Air and Transport Association (IATA) has appealed to the Indian Government to slash taxes and restrain private airport operators from levying high charges;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the response of the Indian Government thereto;

(c) whether IATA has also urged to relax excessive regulations in the aviation industry in order to maximise its full potential to generate economic growth;

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the reaction of the Government thereto: and

(e) the measures taken by the Government to improve customs and immigration procedures as well as strict enforcement of security for foreign tourists especially women tourists?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION (Shri G. ML Siddeshvvara)

(a) & (b): The Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India (AERA) is responsible for determination of aeronautical tariff at major airports in the country. It has not received any specific appeal from International Air and Transport Association (IATA) to slash airport charges. However, AERA determines the airport charges after following detailed and wide consultation process with various stakeholders including IATA.

(c): No. Madam,

(d): Does not arise.

(e): In order to provide smooth and fast custom & immigration services at Indian Airports, sufficient number of desks have been deployed at the terminal buildings. These desks have clear demarcation for various categories such as Passengers with special needs, Business Class / First Class Passengers, Passengers with Indian Passport, Passengers with Foreign Passport, etc. Further, utmost importance to the safety and security of the passengers and their baggage is given. The international airports have a robust security system duly aided by electronic surveillance system to ensure theft and pilferage free airports.

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