(a) whether cases of alleged corruption/diversion of funds have been detected in the implementation of the works under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme(NREGS) in various parts of the country during the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the nature of irregularities noticed and the corrective measures taken with special reference to false muster rolls, siphoning off funds, inflated payment to contractors etc;

(c) whether the Union Government has set up/proposes to set up any foolproof mechanism to monitor the use of funds allocated under the Scheme; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement as referred to in reply to parts (a) to (d) of Lok Sabha starred Question No. 44 for answer on 23.11.09.

(a)&(b): Yes, Sir. During the last three years and the current year so far, a total of 1010 complaints relating to irregularities in the implementation of NREGA have been received in the Ministry of Rural Development. The State wise details are given in the Annexure.

The complaints mainly relate to delayed payment of wages, instances of use of funds for non-permissible activities, incorrect accounting of expenditure, use of machinery, non-issuance of job cards and ineligible persons being provided employment under the Act.All complaints received in the Ministry are referred to the concerned State Government for taking appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Act. For investigation into complaints of serious nature, National Level Monitors(NLMs) are deputed by the Ministry to the concerned district/State and their reports are sent to the concerned State Government for taking corrective measures.

The corrective measures taken by the Ministry to minimize the occurrence of such cases are as under:

(i) Orders dated 7.9.2009 have been issued directing all State Governments for setting up of the office of Ombudsman at district level for redressal of grievances in a time bound manner.

(ii) A Web enabled Management Information System (MIS) ( has been made operational which places all critical parameters such as job cards, muster rolls, wage payments, number of days of employment provided and works under execution online for monitoring and easy public access for information. More than 8.4 crore job cards and 2.4 crore muster rolls have been up loaded on the web site.

(iii) Wage disbursement to NREGA workers through Banks/Post Office accounts has been made mandatory to ensure proper disbursement of wages to NREGA workers. 8.13 crore bank/post office accounts have been opened so far.

(iv) The Ministry has accorded utmost importance to the organization of Social Audits by the Gram Panchayats and issued instructions to the States to make necessary arrangements for the purpose. Modifications have been made in para 13 of Schedule-I of the Act to provide for procedures on conducting social audits.The Ministry has issued instructions to the State Governments for enforcement of the new social audit provisions under NREGA

(v) Independent Monitoring by eminent citizens has been approved.

(vi) District level Vigilance and Monitoring Committees have been set up for monitoring of rural development programmes including NREGA.

(c)&(d): Yes, Sir. With a view to providing a foolproof mechanism to monitor the use of funds under NREGA, the following steps have been taken by the Ministry:

(i) A web enabled MIS has been operationalised which tracks the funds released by the Centre to the States/districts up to the various implementing agency level.

(ii) The States/districts are required to submit Audit Reports & Utilisation Certificates for the previous year, bank reconciliation statement, implementing agency-wise expenditure statement for each block and fund non-diversion certificate while submitting their proposal to the Centre for release of funds.