Question : NPDD in NCT of Delhi

(a) the method of sharing of funds by the Central Government and the State Governments under National Plan for Dairy Development (NPDD);
(b) the manner in which it functions;
(c) the number of projects sanctioned under the scheme in the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi including in the Parliamentary Constituency of North East, Delhi; and
(d) the funds released for the purpose alongwith the full details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) National Programme for Dairy Development is implemented on 100 % grant-in-aid basis for all components except for installation of bulk milk coolers and milk processing and marketing infrastructure, milk powder plants, cattle induction and rehabilitation of milk unions/federations. For three components, viz. installation of bulk milk coolers, milk processing and marketing infrastructure and milk powder plants, the funding pattern is (i) 50% for Milk Federation/Union in NDP States (States covered under National Dairy Plan- Phase I) (ii) 75% for Milk Federation/Union with net accumulated profit of Rs.1 crore and above as on 31st March of previous year, in non NDP States and (iii) 90% for other Milk Federations/Unions in Non-NDP States and for Milk Federations/Unions in North Eastern States and hilly areas, central assistance. The pattern of assistance for cattle induction component is restricted to 50% (75% for women milk producers) of cost of cattle and for the component of rehabilitation of milk unions/federations, the pattern of assistance is 50 % grant in aid.

(b) The detailed project report (DPR) prepared by State Implementing Agency (State Cooperative Milk Federation/Milk Union) based on pre-project base line survey is submitted to Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD), Government of India through respective State Governments under NPDD scheme. The DPR is examined by DAHD in consultation with the appraisal agencies and recommendations are placed before the Project Sanctioning Committee (PSC) for consideration/approval. After approval by PSC and concurrence of Integrated Finance Division of DAHD, central assistance is released to State Implementing Agencies for implementation of the projects.
(c) No project has been received from the State Government of Delhi under the scheme; hence no project was sanctioned in the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi.
(d) Does not arise in view of (c) above.

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