(a) whether any outbreak of Kyasanur Forest Disease and Scrub Typhus has been reported in the country, and if so, the details thereof during the last three years and the current year State/UT -wise;

(b) the number of Kyasanur Forest Disease and Scrub Typhus related cases and casualties reported during the said period, State/UT-wise;

(c) whether the Government has carried out any investigation/studies to find out the reasons for the outbreak o f the said diseases;

(d) if so, the details and the outcome thereof indicating the antigen, vector, reservoir and modes of transmission of the disease; and

(e) the measures taken/proposed to be taken by the Government for prevention and treatment of Kyasanur Forest Disease and Scrub Typhus in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes. The details of Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) and Scrub Typhus outbreaks in the last three years and current year are given in Annexure. Integrated Disease Sur- veillance Programme (IDSP) does not capture regular routine data of KFD and Scrub Typhus. However, the number of KFD and Scrub Typhus cases and deaths reported and responded to by States during the relevant outbreak period is also given in Annexure.

(c) to (e): KFD is caused by Kyasanur Forest Disease Virus (KFDV). It is transmitted by bite of infected tick. Hard ticks (Haemaphysalis sp.) are the reservoir of KFD virus.

Scrub Typhus is caused by the bacteria Orientia tsutsugamushi. Trombiculi mites are the vector of the disease. It is transmitted by the bite of infected mite. Under Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP), the outbreaks reported are inves- tigated by State and District Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) to find out the cause of the outbreak and to prevent further spread of the disease by taking appropriate con- trol measures. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)’s National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune, has developed a formalized inactivated chick embryo tissue culture vaccine against KFD and transferred the technology to the Karnataka State Government. Department of Health Research (DHR)-ICMR has developed guidelines for diagnosis and management of Rickettsial diseases in India which are available on DHR and ICMR website.

The Programme was launched by Government of India with the objective to strengthen disease surveillance in the country to detect and respond to disease outbreaks due to epidemic prone diseases. Under IDSP, the districts and States have been streng- thened by providing additional manpower, training of identified Rapid Response Team members for outbreak investigations, strengthening of laboratories for detection of epidemic prone diseases at districts and State level, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) equipment for data entry, analysis and data transfer, and provision of funds for operationalization. Also, Communicable Disease (CD) alert has been pub- lished with detailed information on KFD and Scrub Typhus and training of medical and paramedical staff is conducted.