(a) the allocation of funds on R & D and action taken to streamline the research activities in the country during the last three years;

(b) whether the Government: proposes to create a fund to finance new drug discovery projects t:o make India a leader in drug discovery;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government is proposing to offer incentives to domestic as well as multinational drug makers to encourage new drug discovery in the country; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): As per available information, funds have been allocated for R&D by the Departments of the Government of India during the last three years, are as follows:

Name of the Department	(Rs. in crores)

(i) Department of Science & Technology 165.69

(ii) Department of Bio-technology 66.89

(iii) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 254.81

(iv) Indian Council of Medical Research 24.00

(v) Department of Pharmaceuticals 57.03

In the Report of the Working Group on Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry for the 12m Plan, the following proposals relating to R&D have been included:-
S.NO.	Scheme	Brief description	Outlay	(Rs. in	crores)

1. Setting up of Scheme to set up Formulation 160 one National development centres to tap the and five Regional patent cliff opportunity Formulation Development and become global leader and Manufacturing standards in Generics and Bio-similars training centres

2. Setting up of National Major capital expenditure of 20 Centre for Phyto-pharma about Rs 100 crores being met development from Ministry for Development of North East Region (DONER). Present allocation sought for initial years operation as per advice from DONER

3. Good Practices Laboratory For setting up of GLP compliant 50 (GLP)/Good Clinical Practices Laboratop/, (GLP) GCF compliant (GCP) Animal House Lab Schemes Lab and a Animal House Lab on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis

4. Continuing R&D schemes at NIPER, Mohali is presently 50 National Institute of implementing a number of Pharmaceutical Education projects in R&D for various and Research (NIPER), Mohali Pharma areas like neglected diseases, infectious diseases, vector borne diseases, etc. In addition a number of projects are being implemented for Public health, Pharmacovigilance, Regulatory capacity building for academia and industry, etc.

5. New Scheme at NIPER Mohali R&D Centre for Biologicals and 825 New Chemical Entities (NCEs) R&D Centre for New Drug Delivery System (NDDS), Setting up 20 new Incubators, Incentive Scheme for Contract Research Organization (CROs) Development for New, Drug Discovery Partnership with International Centres of Excellence

6. Pharma Venture Capital Fund To consider investment of identified 500 funds into a newly created specialised private equity/venture capital fund that undertakes R&D investments into companies in the pharmaceutical industry

7. Pharma Innovation and Infrastructure Develop technical and innovation 2000 Development Initiative (PIIDI) capacity of Indian Pharma for manufacturing quality affordable medicines, develop International competitiveness of the Indian Pharma so as to be the largest producer of generic medicines in the world. To make India a preferred destination for global initiatives in curing the world`s ailments specially the developing world in a value based manner.

8. At NIPER Hyderabad: Setting Build competitiveness through 56 up National Centre for R&D Innovation and Productivity in Bulk Drugs at NIPER efficiencies in the Active Hyderabad Pharmaceuticals Ingredient (API) industry. Also tap Generics opportunity and meet competition of China, etc.

9. At NIPER Kolkata National To be set up at NIPER 50 Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Kolkata for development Centre of Nano-materials from inorganic substrates for innovative drugs and drug delivery systems

10. Setting up National and To provide expert advice 60 Regional BiosimiiarExpertise and assistance to industry Centreson regulatory issues pertaining to Clinical Trials, Testing and Approval process for Biosimilars - One national centre at Bangalore and 3 regional centres at Chandigarh, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad

11. Setting up of a Industry End to end services from Primates 100 focused Animal House to small animals for pre-clinical drug development

12. Support to Academia, Research For funding both academia 100 Institutions and private sector individually,as an institution for Extra Mural Research and private companies for targeted drug development including assistance for clinical trials.

13. Support to Academia, Research For funding upgradation 10 Institutions and private sector of labs in the private for Extra Labs upgradation and government sector with sharing basis on 50-50 pattern for the lab upgradation for equipments deployed for drug development under specifically identifiable projects

14. All NIPERs: International To promote R&D in 25 cooperation inR&D Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and developing countries for mutual advantages

15. Setting up National Centre Promoting indigenous 50 for Medical Devices at NIPER R&D in Medical devices Ahmedabad sector

Total 4056

(b)to(e): In November 2011, M/s. Ernst & Young Private Limited (M/s E&Y), Gurgaon, has been given an assignment as Global Level Consultant for preparation of Detailed Project Report for developing India as a Drug Discovery & Pharma Innovation Hub 2020. The report is awaited.