(a) the main functions of National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC);

(b) the institutions/individuals and other organizations to whom the said Corporation grants loan;

(c) the upper limit of loan fixed therefore;

(d) whether the limit of giving loans has been reduced from the maximum limit of 30 lakhs to 10 lakhs;

(e) if so, the reasons therefor;

(f) whether the Government propose to increase the upper limit of loans for certain organizations/institutions;

(g) if so, the details thereof;

(h) the State-wise details of the loan provided by the NTSTFDC; and

(i) the details of resources provided by the Government to this Corporation for the welfare of the Scheduled Tribes?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The main functions of NSTFDC are :

# To finance viable income generating Project(s)/Scheme(s) for the economic development of Scheduled Tribes through the State Level Channelising Agencies (SCAs).

# To provide grants for skill development programmes for the economic development of Scheduled Tribes, channelised through SCAs.

# Upgrading skills of officers of SCAs through periodic training programmes.

# To innovate, experiment and promote rather than replicate the work of the existing agencies engaged in the economic development of Scheduled Tribes.

# To make the existing State Scheduled Tribes

Finance and Development Corporations more effective.

(b) The National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC) provides finance through the State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) and other recognised institutions nominated by the respective State/UT Governments for viable income generating Project(s)/Scheme{s) to the Scheduled Tribes having annual family income upto double the poverty line (traget group).

(c) to (e) The National Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSFDC, combined corporation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) adopted upper cost limit of Rs.30.00 lakhs as cost of Projects/Schemes per unit/profit centre.

The National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation {NSTFDC) has been incorporated in Aprtl-2001. The Board of Directors of the NSTFDC decided to keep the upper limit of Project(s)/Scheme(s) costing upto Rs.10.00 lakh per unit/profit centre keeping in view the guidelines issued earlier by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to its Apex Corporations (including NSFDC) on the subject, an upper limit of Rs. 5.00 lakhs fixed by the other corporations such as National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation, the National Backward classes Finance and Development Corporation and techno-managerial skills of the Scheduled Tribes families. (Target Group) having annual income upto Double the Poverty Line (DPL) Income Limit.

(f) and (g) At present there is no such proposal under consideration.

(h) State-wise/Channelising agency wise details of Sanction of Loans and Disbursement of Funds by NSTFDC (post incorporation) are in the attached Statement-! and II respectively.

(i) The Government of India provides funds to the NSTFDC in the form of Share Capital. The Authorised Share Capital of NSTFDC is Rs. 500.00 Crores. Consequent to incorporation of the NSTFDC in April, 2001, the Corporation has so far received Rs. 17.00 crores in Cash and Rs. 167.81 crores as loan portfolios on a provisional basis from the National Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development corporation (NSFDC). During the year 2001-2002 the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has so far provided Rs. 25.pO Crores as share capital.