(a) & (b) The Investors` Grievances Forum, one of the organisations, registered with the Investor Education and Protection Fund, organized the third National Conference of Small Investors` Associations/ Small Investors`, in Mumbai, on 22nd -23rd March, 2005 with the objectives:
(i) to increase the depth and width of Indian Capital Market,
(ii) to reach target of two crores demat accounts by 2010;
(iii) capacity building among small investors;
(iv) Investor Education and Awareness campaign;
(v) Wealth creation by channelising the household savings into financial instruments and in the Capital Market.
An Officer from the Ministry of Company Affairs and three officials from SEBI attended the Conference.
(c) Yes, Sir.
(d) The details are enclosed as per Annexure A;
(e) The Charter of Demands is under examination in the Ministry.
Annexure as referred in Part - (d) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No:6184 for reply on 06-05-05 by Shri Tukaram Gangadhar Gadakh regarding `National Conference of Investors Associations`.
The Charter of Demands submitted by the Small Investors, Activists and Associations to regulators like SEBI, DCA, RBI, Finance and Company Affairs Ministries, to the Stock Exchanges, AMFI, Business Associations.
i. Fixing Parameter for Small Investors ii. Involvement of Small Investors in Decision making process iii. Household Savings-Investment in Financial Instruments iv. Stock Exchanges are required to be made more Small Investor friendly v. Demat System vi. Healthy network needed to be developed in depositories vii. Judiciary-Ombudsman viii. Regulatory Reforms ix. Valuation of listed, unlisted Companies x. IPOs xi. Corporate Governance xii. Grievances Redressal Mechanism xiii. Investors` Education and Awareness