Question : Cleaning of Rivers

(a) whether the Government is contemplating or has proposed any new schemes for cleaning of major rivers in the country, if so, the details and the current status thereof;

(b) the cities where cleaning of Ganga is going on at present with projects taken/to be taken up under Namami Gange Mission, State/UT-wise;

(c) the expenditure involved/incurred in cleaning of major rivers including Ganga and under Namami Gange Mission during the last three years and current year along with success achieved thereunder so far, State/UT-wise;

(d) the reasons for not achieving the set objectives till now; and

(e) the time by which the said projects are likely to achieve their objectives including restoration of Yamuna river to its original position?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Namami Gange (Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission / Programme under National Ganga River Basin Authority) programme was introduced in 2014 as an umbrella programme, with an aim at integrating previous & currently ongoing initiatives by enhancing efficiency, extracting synergies and supplementing them with more comprehensive & better coordinated interventions.
As on 30th June 2016, 97 projects has been sanctioned under Namami Gange programme (including the existing projects sanctioned under NGRBA programme) in 53 towns at an estimated project cost of Rs 8588.21 Crore. Out of these 12 projects are sanctioned exclusively under new components of Namami Gange programme with a sanctioned cost of Rs 351.42 Crore.
The Government recently launched 231 short-term to medium term projects on 7th July, 2016 under the Namami Gange programme. These projects pertain to modernization and/or development of ghats, modernization/development of Crematoria, setting up biodiversity centres, deploying trash skimmers for river surface cleaning, setting up Sewage treatment plants, sewage pumping stations, fisheries centre, pilot projects for in situ treatment of waste water in drains, ghat cleaning, medicinal plantations, afforestation etc. along Namami Gange programme to be taken in various towns along Ganga and its tributaries. A total of 123 Ghats, 65 Crematoria, 8 sewage infrastructure and 35 other projects are taken up in seven states (Uttarakhand, UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Delhi and Haryana).

(c) the expenditure incurred in cleaning of Ganga under Namami Gange Mission during the last three years and current year, State/UT-wise is given in table below.
Expenditure incurred on Cleaning of Ganga under Namami Gange during the last three years and current year till 15.07.2016 State/UT wise
Rs. In crore
FY RE Expenditure by Govt. of India Expenditure by NMCG
2013-14 309.00 303.95 255.66
2014-15 2,053.00 326.00 153.66
2015-16 1,650.00 1,632.00 550.04
2016-17 88.47
Total 4,012.00 2,261.95 1,047.83

Funds released to the states till 15.07.2016 since inception
States 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 * 2016-17 Grand Total
Bihar 91.14 120.23 1.00 212.37
Jharkhand 6.26 0.97 27.83 5.00 40.06
UP 92.30 74.58 147.58 43.11 357.57
Uttrakhand 17.05 4.26 30.26 1.36 52.93
West Bengal 48.91 73.85 185.79 1.00 309.55
Haryana 30.00 37.00 67.00
Delhi 4.96 4.96
EPCO,Jabalpur 3.39 3.39
Grand Total 255.66 153.66 550.04 88.47 1,047.83
* Rs.263 crore releases to Ministry of Drinking Water for Swach Bharart( Rural ) for the year 2015-16
(d) At present, the process and infrastructure necessary for pollution abatement works in river Ganga is being set in place. The results would be evident once the process and infrastructure is operational.

(e) The target set for completion of entry level and medium term projects range between 18 months to 48 months. The overall completion target for the programme is 2020.


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