Question : Rainwater Harvesting

(a) the policy adopted by the Government to harvest rainwater along with the water harvested so far in each State along with the present status of its availability;
(b) whether the Government has prepared or proposes to enact any awareness programmes/special schemes for making rainwater harvesting mandatory along with its strict implementation and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Government further proposes to encourage rainwater harvesting schemes to enhance agricultural production and has consulted water experts to ensure water availability for agriculture and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government proposes to grant some rebate to the properties having rainwater harvesting system functional and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the details of funds released/utilized under various groundwater recharging and rainwater harvesting schemes during each of the last three years, State-wise, along with steps taken to ensure availability of water throughout the year including the implementation of the said schemes?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b) The National Water Policy (2012) has been formulated by Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR which, inter-alia, advocates rain water harvesting and conservation of water and highlights the need for augmenting the availability of water through direct use of rainfall. Ministry of Water Resources, RD &GR has also circulated a Model Bill to all the States/UTs to enable them to enact suitable ground water legislation for its regulation and development which includes provision of rain water harvesting. So far, 15 States/UT''s


have adopted and implemented the ground water legislation on the lines of Model bill. Further, various States/UTs have made rain water harvesting mandatory by enacting laws or by formulating rules & regulations or by including provisions in Building bye-laws or through suitable Government Orders. The details are given at Annexure-I. Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) has also issued directives to the Chief Secretaries of all States and the Administrators of all UTs to take measures to promote/adopt artificial recharge to ground water / rain water harvesting. Besides, CGWA has also taken up the matter with various Central and State government organizations for adopting rain water harvesting and recharge to the ground water. Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) under the Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR has been organizing mass awareness programmes in the Country to promote rain water harvesting and artificial recharge to ground water.

(c) CGWB has prepared a conceptual document entitled “Master Plan for Artificial Recharge to Ground Water in India” during 2013, involving ground water scientists/experts. The Master Plan envisages construction of 1.11 crore rain water harvesting and artificial recharge structures in the Country at an estimated cost of Rs. 79,178 crores to harness 85 BCM (Billion Cubic Metre) of water. The augmented ground water resources will enhance the availability of water for drinking, domestic, industrial and irrigation purpose. The Master Plan has been circulated to all State Governments for implementation.

(d) Water being a State subject, necessary provisions for rebate to the properties having functional rainwater harvesting system fall under the purview of the State Governments.

(e) CGWB under Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR had undertaken the Demonstrative Rain Water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge Projects during XI Plan under the Scheme of “Ground Water Management & Regulation” in priority areas. The scheme has been discontinued during the XII Plan period. However, funds are released for spilled over projects during XII Plan. State-wise, year-wise funds allocated and released during last three years are given at Annexure-II.



Annexure referred in the reply to part (a) & (b) Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 608
to be answered on 23.07.2015 regarding “Rainwater Harvesting”

Details of Statutes/ Rules/ Regulations in various States/ UTs relating to Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting
S. No. State/ UT Action Taken
1 Andhra Pradesh • Under Chapter 3, Section 17(1) of the ‘Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Tree Act, 2002’ stipulates mandatory provision to construct rainwater harvesting structures at new and existing constructions for all residential, commercial and other premises and open space having area of not less than 200 sq.m in the stipulated period, failing which the authority may get such rainwater harvesting structures constructed and recover the cost incurred along with the penalty as may be prescribed. Municipal Administration and Urban Development have notified that all Group Housing Schemes shall be provided with required facilities and infrastructure for conservation and harvesting of rainwater.
• Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department vide G.O. No. 185 dated May 5, 2001 have been assigned responsibilities and made special efforts to conserve rainwater through rainwater harvesting structures in urban areas.
• Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, surrounding Municipalities and Panchayats have been made responsible for construction of rainwater harvesting pits.
2 Arunachal Pradesh Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting made mandatory by amending building byelaws.
3 Assam Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting made mandatory for 100 sq.m and above by Guwahati Development Authority through including provision in building bye-laws.
4 Bihar Enacted “The Bihar Ground Water (Regulation and Control of Development and Management) Act, 2006. Chapter-III (Clause 18) of the Act stipulates provision of roof top rainwater harvesting structures in the building plan in an area of 1000 sq.m or more while according approval for construction by the Municipal Corporation / other local bodies.
5 Chhattisgarh The Nagar Palika Nigam, Raipur has made it mandatory to adopt the roof top rainwater harvesting having roof top area more than 500 sq.ft.
6 Goa Government of Goa has made rainwater harvesting mandatory for residential complexes including apartments on plot areas of 2000 sq.m& above and for industrial units on plot areas of 10,000 sq.m & above. PWD, Goa has been asked to take up rainwater harvesting structure for Government buildings.
7 Gujarat Metropolitan areas have notified rules under which no new building plan is approved in absence of rainwater harvesting structures.
8 Haryana Rainwater harvesting has been made mandatory by Haryana Urban Development Authority vide notification dated 31st October, 2001 and 13th December, 2002 respectively.
9 Himachal Pradesh Installation of rainwater harvesting system has been made mandatory for all buildings to be constructed in urban areas of the State and no building plan without rainwater harvesting system can be approved. Construction of rainwater harvesting system has also been made mandatory for all schools, Government buildings and Rest Houses, upcoming industries, bus stands etc.
10 Jharkhand Ranchi Regional Development Authority amended building bye-laws in November, 2006 and made adoption of rainwater harvesting and recharge well mandatory for multi-dwelling and commercial units.
11 Karnataka Amended Rules of Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board which provide for mandatory provision of rainwater harvesting structures by every owner with area of 2400 sq.ft and above, or every owner who proposes to construct new buildings with site area more than 1200 sq.ft.
12 Kerala An amendment was made in Kerala Municipality Building Rules, 1999 incorporating rainwater harvesting arrangements.
13 Madhya Pradesh Incorporated mandatory provision for rainwater harvesting in the M.P. Bhumi Vikas Niyam (1984), Rule 78(4) makes it mandatory to provide for rainwater harvesting in all houses of more than 140 sq.m.
14 Maharashtra • Launched rainwater recharge scheme named “Shivkalin Pani Sathawan Yojana” (Shivkalin Water Recharge Scheme) in the State from 2002. Under this scheme, drinking water sources are strengthened by recharging rainwater through different water harvesting structures. This scheme is implemented in rural areas.
• In urban areas, keeping in view the constraint of the available space, provision has been made in the Development Control Rules to make provision of rainwater harvesting scheme in Greater Mumbai Municipal Corporation Area and other Municipal areas of the State.
15 Meghalaya Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting made mandatory for buildings above 100 sq.m area.
16 Nagaland The State Government has made provision for roof top rainwater compulsory for all new Government buildings.
17 Odisha The Odisha Legislative Assembly has already passed a bill during 2012 on “Ground Water (Regulation, Development & Management)for the state of Odisha. The bill contains provisions for roof top rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge for buildings, particularly in urban and peri-urban areas of the State.
18 Punjab • Department of Local Government have amended and notified the building bye-laws and have made mandatory Rainwater Harvesting System in all buildings above 200 sq.yards. The same has been adopted by all Urban Local Bodies of the State.
• Punjab Urban Development Authority has also made provision of rainwater harvesting mandatory in all institutional buildings while approving building plans as well as licensed colonies developed by private promoters.
19 Rajasthan Provision of rainwater harvesting made mandatory in respect of plots having more than 300 sq.m area in Nagar Nigam/ Nagar Parishad/ Nagar Palika area and notification in this respect issued vide letter dated 16.01.2006 by the Local Self Department.
20 Sikkim Springshed Development Program has been made by Rural Development Department, Sikkim for augmentation of drinking water supply in rural areas.
21 Tamil Nadu It is mandatory for all the existing and new buildings to provide rainwater harvesting facilities under Municipal laws. It has also been made mandatory to include roof top rainwater harvesting structures in the plan of the building itself for accordance of approval by the relevant Competent Authority.
22 Tripura As per Tripura Building Rules, 2004, water harvesting is mandatory in all new buildings having plinth area more than 300 sq.m for all types of uses and in group housing of any size.
23 Uttar Pradesh • Rainwater Harvesting made mandatory for all new housing schemes/ plots/ buildings/ Group housing schemes with separate network of pipes for combined Rainwater Harvesting/ Recharging system.
• In Government Buildings (both new as well as old), installation of rainwater harvesting structures has been made mandatory.
• For housing schemes of 20 acres and above, it is mandatory to develop ponds/ water bodies in 5% of the total proposed area.
24 Uttarakhand The Government (Awas Evam Shahari Vikas) made rules for compulsory installation of rainwater harvesting system and directed to adopt rules in building byelaws vide order dated 15.11.2003. Accordingly, all the Development Authorities have made partial amendments in the prevalent House Building and Development bye-laws/ Regulation.
25 West Bengal Government has notified ‘The West Bengal Municipal (Building) Rules, 2007’ and vide its rule No. 168 (13), Part – XII has made rainwater harvesting mandatory for all buildings.
26 Andaman and Nicobar Islands In UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, rooftop rainwater harvesting has been made mandatory in Port Blair Town.
27 Chandigarh UT Administration has made installation of rainwater harvesting system mandatory for all buildings (existing and new) located on plot of one kanal and above to recharge ground water.
28 Dadar, Nagar & Haveli Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting made mandatory as per Development and Control Rules (Amendments Rules, 2009) in all types of buildings, which are constructed in an area of 1000 sq.m and above.
29 Daman & Diu Daman Municipal Building Model Byelaws and Zoning Regulation, 2002 exists which have provision for construction of sump-well for recharge of ground water. The UT Administration has issued instructions to the local PWD for construction of roof top rainwater harvesting structures. Administration has also advised the local bodies such as Municipality & District Panchayats to make provision for construction of roof top rainwater harvesting structures.
30 Delhi • Roof top rain water harvesting made mandatory for building having area of 100 sq.m and above by amending building byelaws.
• Registrar Cooperative Societies has advised all Group Housing Societies to adopt rainwater harvesting in their premises.
• Requested all Government departments to adopt rainwater harvesting and waste water recycling system.
• NDMC, MCD, DDA, PWD sanctioning plan by including rainwater harvesting in their buildings.
31 Puducherry Made provision of rainwater harvesting mandatory in residential, offices, public buildings, commercial buildings, educational and health institutions and industrial buildings vide Govt. Order Dated 19.3.2010.

Annexure referred in the reply to part (e) Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 608 to be answered on
23.07.2015 regarding “Rainwater Harvesting”

State-wise & Year-wise Funds Released During Last Three Years For Demonstrative
Artificial Recharge Projects Taken Up During XI Plan
(` in Lakhs)
S.No. Name of States/UTs 2012-13
(Amount Released) Year 2013-14
(Amount Released) Year 2014-15
(Amount Released)
1 Arunachal Pradesh 83.73 - -
2 Bihar - 28.80 -
3 Chandigarh - 231.30 -
4 Chhattisgarh - 108.45 -
5 Delhi - 13.03 -
6 Gujarat 44.86 - 20.42
7 Himachal Pradesh - 83.34 1.53
8 Jammu & Kashmir - 16.66 28.76
9 Jharkhand - 67.07 4.95
10 Karnataka 33.46 107.62 -
11 Kerala 4.05 - -
12 Madhya Pradesh - 38.75 60.75
13 Nagaland 82.80 - -
14 Orissa - - 139.32
15 Rajasthan 10.28 38.80 58.62
16 Tamil Nadu 12.00 - -
17 Telengana 135.71 - -
18 Uttar Pradesh - - 451.68
TOTAL 406.89 733.82 766.03


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