Question : Infiltration

(a) the number of incidents of infiltration registered, infiltrators arrested and killed along with the number of security personnel injured and killed in such incidents in the current year, border-wise and State-wise;

(b) the status of fencing at borders and the time by which the remaining fencing work is targeted for completion, border-wise;

(c) whether there is any proposal to seek inter-Government assistance to introduce technological and innovative solutions for border security and if so, the details thereof;

L.S.US.Q. No. 1146 FOR 16.11.2016

(d) whether there is any proposal to implement the principle of One border, One force and also to construct concrete walls along the borders of the country; and

(e) if so, the details thereof along with the other measures being taken to check infiltrations at the international borders and to secure the riverine and open stretches at the borders?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.
(a) : The number of incidents of infiltration registered, infiltrators arrested and killed along with the number of security personnel injured and killed in such incidents in the current year, border-wise and State-wise are as under:


L.S.UN.Q.NO.1146 FOR 22.11.2016

Border State Year 2016 Nos of security personnel
Cases Apprehended Killed Injured Killed
Indo-Bangladesh Border West Bengal 695 1807 12 -- --
Assam 5 5 1 -- --
Meghalaya 28 59 0 -- --
Tripura 43 119 2 -- --
Mizoram 0 0 0 -- --
Sub-total 771 1990 15 -- --
Indo-Pakistan Border J&K 201 2 24 -- --
Punjab 30 43 15 -- --
Rajasthan 05 5 0 -- --
Gujarat 06 31 0 -- --
Sub-total 242 81 39 -- --
Indo-Myanmar Border Arunachal Pradesh 32 41 5 -- --
Nagaland 30 33 1 -- --
Manipur 22 23 8 2 6
Mizoram 11 13 0 -- --
Sub-total 95 110 14 2 6
Indo-Nepal Border Uttarakhand 1 1 -- -- --
U.P. 2 2 -- -- --
West Bengal 2 2 -- -- --
Sub-total 5 5 -- -- --
Indo-Bhutan Border West Bengal 1 1 -- -- --


L.S.UN.Q.NO.1146 FOR 22.11.2016

(b): The total sanctioned length of fence along Indo-Bangladesh Border is 3326 km, out of which 2731 km has been completed. The ongoing fence work along the complete Indo-Bangladesh border is targeted for completion by March’ 2019. Further, in the stretches in which site is not available, fence work will be completed in three years from the date of availability of site.
The total sanctioned length of fence along Indo-Pakistan Border is 2063 km, out of which 2003 km has been completed. The ongoing fence work along the complete Indo-Pakistan border is targeted for completion by December, 2018.
A total of 9.12 km fencing along Indo-Myanmar Border in Moreh Sector (between Border Pillars 79-81), Manipur was approved by Ministry and accordingly Phase-I construction of fencing commenced in the year 2010. The construction of the fence was however temporarily halted on 21.12.2013. At the time of stopping of work only around 3.47 km of border fencing work was completed. No progress on the work has been taken place thereafter.
Construction of Border fencing of total length of 35.90 km along the Indo-Bhutan Border has been approved by the Government. There is no fencing on Indo-China Border.

(c) : Yes, Madam. There exists a India-Israel Joint Working Group on Border Management and Security, which provide for up-gradation of border surveillance techniques through sharing of technology, conducting joint research on evolution and application of improved technology related to the

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creation and construction of assets relating to border infrastructure, sharing of engineering and technological data relating to construction and maintenance of
border infrastructure assets and conducting of meetings at regular intervals between concerned officials of both countries for evolution of mutually beneficial strategies for improved border Management.

(d) : Yes, Madam. The principle of One border, one force has already been implemented. There are no proposals to construct concrete wall along India’s International Borders.
(e): The following measures are being taken by concerned Departments/Border Guarding Forces to check infiltration along the borders:
(i) Effective domination of the borders by the Border Guarding Forces through round the clock surveillance of the border viz. patrolling, laying nakas, establishing observation posts all along the border and strengthening of existing defence of the BOPs.
(ii) The riverine segments of the International Borders of the country are being patrolled and dominated with the help of water crafts/speed boats/floating Border Out Posts (BOPs) of Border Guarding Forces (BGFs).
(iii) Usage of Hi-Tech surveillance equipment along with day and night vision devices for further enhancing the border domination.


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