(a) whether it has come to the notice of the Government that incorrect/incomplete and misleading information is provided to the applicants under Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI) at times;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the number of such complaints reported in this regard during each of the last three years and the current year;

(c) the disciplinary and penal action taken against officers responsible for providing incorrect and incomplete information to RTI applicants; and

(d) the corrective measures taken/being taken by the Government to address the issue?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. (DR. JITENDRA SINGH)

(a): There are a number of cases where an applicant has filed first appeal with the First Appellate Authority in the concerned Public Authority and second appeal/complaint with the Central Information Commission/State Information Commission, as the case may be, inter-alia, due to the following reasons:

(i) Non-receipt of information within prescribed time;

(ii) Denial of request for information;

(iii) If he/she believes that incomplete/ misleading or false information under this Act has been given by the Public Information Officer.

(b): The number of second appeals/complaints registered by the Central Information Commission during three years is as under:

 2010-11	2011-12	2012-13 28875	33922	28801 
However, there is no separate data in respect of complaints received regarding incorrect/ incomplete and misleading information provided to the applicants by Public Information Officer.

(c) & (d): The Right to Information Act, 2005 already provides for imposition of penalty and recommendation of disciplinary action by the Central Information Commission/State Information Commission, as the case may be, against the Public Information Officer who has knowingly given incorrect, incomplete or misleading information under the RTI Act. The CIC/SICs have been imposing such penalties and also recommending disciplinary action against such Public Information Officers.

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