Question : SANKALP

(a) the details of the study conducted worldwide to survey the job opportunities available or to be created in the coming years with the support of the World Bank through Government Programme under the Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP);

(b) the details of the job openings in the country and with the specific sectors engaging; and;

(c) the basic qualifications needed for the respective sectors?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Under the Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) Scheme of this Ministry, a Global Skill Gap study was conducted by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) in collaboration with Ernst & Young (EY) for 15 Countries with an objective to understand the causes, trends and patterns of skilled workers migrating for livelihood.

(b) The details of the job openings in the country and country-wise in the world is as under:

I) Details of job openings in the country: Most of the demand aggregated so far, from the ASEEM Portal of this Ministry, is in Logistics (29.7%), Apparel (12.5%), Tourism and Hospitality (8.1%), Retail (6.4%) and Domestic Workers (4.9%). These five sectors amount to 61.6% of the total jobs. Top 5 job roles in demand are Courier Delivery Executive (16.4%), Machine Maintenance Mechanic (2.7%), Customer Care Executive (2.7%), Retail Sales Associates (2.3%) and Self-Employed Tailor (2.3%). These put together form about 26.4% of the total demand across the sectors.

II) Details of job openings by country and Sector in the World: As per the Global Skill Gap Study, the potential replacement and new jobs available for Indians across (i) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries is around 26,34,000; (ii) Mature Migration System Countries is a minimum of 8,50,000; and (iii) European Countries is a minimum of 2,60,000. The details of the demand of Indian migrant (Sector and Key Job Role-wise) in the aforementioned three category of countries is at Annexure – I.

(c) The basic qualification needed would be specific to the country requirement as per Sector/ Job Role.


Details of job openings by Country and Sector in the World

i) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries (UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar):

a) Sectors:

Sl. No: Sector Potential Replacement & New Jobs for Indians, GCC
(in thousand)
1 Construction 1170
2 Wholesale & Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles & Motorcycles 423
3 Real Estate, Rental & Business Services 283
4 Transport Storage & Communication 274
5 Financial & Insurance Activities 87
6 Manufacturing 250
7 Community, Social & Personal Services 140
Total 2634

b) Key Job Roles:

United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Qatar
Mason Driver (Light Duty) Blacksmith
Furniture Carpenter Cleaner Driver (Light Duty)
Electrician Mason Electrician
Steel Fixer Furniture Carpenter Furniture Carpenter
Painter Electrician General Labour
Welder Nurse Mason
Metal & Steel Worker Heavy Vehicle Driver Technician
Plumber Steel Fixer -
- Plumber -

ii) Countries with Mature Migration System (Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America, Japan and Malaysia):

a) Sectors:

Sl. No: Sector Potential Replacement & New Jobs for Indians (in thousand)
1 Health Care & Social Assistance 180-220
2 Construction 80-100
3 Manufacturing 50-90
4 Agriculture 40-60
5 Rental, Hiring & Real Estate Services 30-40
6 Wholesale & Retail Trade 20-30
7 Transport, Postal & Warehousing 10-20
8 Accommodation & Food Services 10-15
9 Financial & Insurance Services 5-8
10 Mining 3-6
11 Other Services 300-350
Total 850-950

b) Key Job Roles:

Singapore Australia New Zealand Canada USA Japan Malaysia
Sales Executive Software & Application Programmer Retail Manager Information System Analysts Personal Care Aid Care Worker Sales Workers
Teaching & Training Professional Cooks Automobile Repair Registered Nurses Non-Farm Animal Caretaker Construction (22 job roles) Helpers & Casual Workers
Healthcare Assistant Registered Nurse Executives in Real Estate Care Worker Barbers Machinery & Metal (15 job roles) Plan & Machinery Operator
Technical Sales Professional Construction Labour Field Technician Early Childhood Educators Information Security Analysts - -
Senior Executive Motor Mechanic Hospitality Manager Social & Community Service Workers Solar Photovoltaic installers - -
Heavy Truck & Lorry Drive - Caretaker Food & Beverage Server Rotary Drill Operators, Oil & Gas - -
Taxi Driver - Registered Nurse Software Engineers & Designers Healthcare Social Workers - -
Logistics Coordinator - - Graphic Designers & Instructors - - -
Shop Sales Assistant - - - - - -

iii) European countries (Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland):

a) Sectors:

Sl. No: Sector Potential Replacement & New Jobs for Indians
(in thousand)
1 Accommodation & Food 30 – 35
2 Administrative Services 9 – 11
3 Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 10 – 12
4 Arts & Recreation 13 – 15
5 Construction 23 – 27
6 Health & Social Care 95 – 110
7 ICT Services 8 – 10
8 Manufacturing 48 – 57
9 Transportation & Storage 22 – 26
Total 260-305

b) Key Job Roles:

Germany Netherlands United Kingdom Sweden Switzerland
Trades Workers Care Workers Health Associate Professionals Care Workers Technicians & Associate Professionals
Farm & Related Workers Health Professionals Operators & Assemblers Health Professionals Professionals
Operators & Assemblers Cleaners & Helpers Care Workers Health Associate Professionals Service & Sales Workers
Health Associate Professionals Personal Service Workers Trades Workers Trades Workers Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers
Science & Engineering Technicians ICT Professionals Health Professionals Cleaners & Helpers Clerical Support Workers
ICT Professionals Health Associate Professionals Cleaners & Helpers Food Preparation Helpers Craft & Related Trade Workers
Health Professionals Drivers & Vehicle Operators Personal Service Workers Drivers & Vehicle Operators -
Personal Service Workers Science &Engg Technicians Food Preparation Helpers Science & Engineering Technicians -
Cleaners & Helpers Trades Workers ICT Professionals Machine & Plant Operators -
Science &Engg Technicians Farm & Related workers Science & Engineering Technicians Farm & Related Workers -

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