Question : Targets and Achievements Gap in Coal Production

(a) whether there is a gap between targets fixed and achievements made by Coal India Limited (CIL) and its subsidiaries in producing raw coal from the underground mines during each of the last three years and the current year and if so, the details thereof, mine-wise;

(b) the contribution of underground mines of CIL and its subsidiaries in coal production of the country during the said period, mine-wise;

(c) the number of workers of CIL who died/got injured in extracting of deep seated coal deposits in the country, mine-wise; and

(d) the other steps taken by the Government to bridge the gap of targets and achievements of coal production?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Mine-wise raw coal production target and achievement/contribution made by subsidiaries of Coal India Limited (CIL) from the underground mines during each of the last three years and the current year is at Annexure-I

(c): Company-wise, Mine-wise list of fatalities in UG mine of CIL from 2015 to 2017 and current year 2018 (upto February) is at Annexure-II.

Number of serious injuries for last three years from 2015 to 2017 and current year 2018 (upto February) is available at company level which is enclosed at Annexure –III.

(d): CIL has made following efforts to achieve the targeted production:

1. CIL and its subsidiaries are going for higher capacity mines with heavy mechanization to take advantage of economy of scale. As many as 26 mega projects (Capacities > 10 MTY) are under implementation and another 13 mega projects are under various stages of formulation and approval.
2. CIL has introduced state of the art technology to improve its work efficiency. High capacity HEMMs like 42 cum Shovel with 240 T Rear Dumper have been introduced in the ultra-mega projects of Gevra Expn OC, Dipka OC & Kusmunda OC.

3. Surface Miners have been introduced in opencast mines in a big way to improve operational efficiency & cater to environmental needs. During 2016-17, 46 % of the total coal was produced through Surface miners whichis likely to further increase during the current year (48.3% till Dec-17) and subsequent years. Other technologies like High Angle Conveyor are proposed for coal transportation which will reduce the operational cost of the mine.
4. In underground mines, introduction of mechanized mass production technology is being done wherever geo-mining conditions are favourable. Two mines are being worked with powered support long wall technology and two more are proposed to be worked by this technology. Further, Continuous miner technology is in operation at 10 mines and is proposed in 10 mines.
5. Further, in the underground mines, basic thrust is on mechanization of coal winning/loading system, coal drilling & supporting system, coal evacuation system etc. Coal producing companies are gradually phasing out manual loading by Side Discharge Loader( SDL)/Load Haul Dumper (LHD) loading, manual drilling into Universal Drilling Machine ( UDM) drilling, haulage system of transport to conveyor system wherever feasible
6. For rapid coal evacuation, a total of 16 nos. of silos with rapid loading system (capacity 108.5 Mt) are in operation and 9 more silos with rapid loading systems (capacity 91 Mt) are under various stages of construction and commissioning. Further, Ministry of Coal has directed to introduce Silo/Rapid Loading System (RLS) in mines of capacities 4 MTand above in the first phase and subsequently for mines with capacities of 1 MT and above in the second phase.

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