Question : Withdrawal of Cardiac Stents

Will the Minister of CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the manufacturing and allied companies are withdrawing stents which are from the market in the name of re-labelling after 85% reduction in its prices by the National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the operations of heart patients in many hospitals of the country are postponed because of such decisions taken by the concerned manufacturing companies; and

(c) whether the Government has decided to register criminal cases for overcharging for coronary stents and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a): National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority(NPPA) has fixed ceiling prices of Coronary Stents vide its notification dated 13.02.2017. In order to avoid any misinformation regarding recalling or re-labelling or re-stickering on the label of container or pack of released stocks of Coronary Stents in the market/distributor/hospital prior to notification dated 13.02.2017, NPPA has clarified on 16.02.2017 that recalling or re-labelling or re-stickering on the released stock is not mandatory if manufacturers submit a revised price list to dealers/retailers with copy to State Drug Controllers/Government, preferably by electronic means.

Further, the attention of manufacturers has also been invited to provisions of paragraph 24 of the Drug Price Control Order, 2013 requiring them to ensure compliance with the prices fixed with immediate effect and all manufacturers/distributors have been directed to ensure adequate supply of Coronary Stents in the market. No report of any artificial shortage has been received.
(b): No such report has been received.
(c): NPPA has directed hospitals to issue detailed bills to the patients, specifically and separately mentioning the cost of the Coronary Stent along with the brand name of the manufacturer/importer/batch number and other details. Non-compliance thereof will be treated as deliberate distortion of evidence alongwith charges of overpricing inviting prosecution under the Essential Commodities Act.


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