Question : ASHA AND ANM

(a) the total number of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) and Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANMs) appointed under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in the country along with the details of the incentives/wages provided to them, State/ UT-wise;

(b) whether the Government has launched any scheme/programme for orientation of ASHAs and ANMs;

(c) if so, the details of the various orientation training modules and the diseases covered and types of training imparted there under, module-wise;

(d) the number of ASHAs and ANMs trained along with the total expenditure incurred on their orientation during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise; and

(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to revise/increase the incentives/.wages and ensure its regular and timely payment to ASHAs and ANMs?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Under the National Rural Health Mission, Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) have been envisaged to be honorary volunteers to act as a link between the community and health facilities receiving performance based compensations for promoting universal immunization, referral and escort services for RCH and other healthcare delivery programmes etc. The State/UT- wise details of number of ASHAs is at Annexure- I. The details of incentives approved at the national level for ASHAs are at Annexure –II. ANMs are appointed by the state governments and the remuneration to ANMs range from Rs.6500 to Rs. 18145 per month across states/UTs. The State/ UT wise details of the number of ANMs supported under NRHM on contractual basis is at Annexure –III.

(b) & (c): ASHAs are currently trained through seven modules namely:
(i) Module-I: Basic understanding of health, human body, public health system.
(ii) Module-II: MCH
(iii) Module- III: Family Planning, HIV/AIDS
(iv) Module –IV: National Health Programmes, AYUSH, Management of minor ailments.
(v) Module-V: Leadership, communication; Rapport building , leadership
(vi) Module-VI and VII on Maternal and newborn health, child health and nutrition; women’s health issues, TB and leprosy- 20 days in four rounds of five days each.
For ANMs, the orientation/training is done for the thematic areas of Child Health, Maternal Health, Family Planning & Adolescent Health. The orientation training modules are on the following:
(i) Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI) for management of Neonatal & Childhood Illnesses.
(ii) Navjat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (NSSK) to educate on care of newborn babies.
(iii) Skilled Birth Attendance (SBA) to upgrade birth attendance skills.
(iv) Training on IUCD insertion.
(v) Adolescent & Reproductive Sexual Health (ARSH) to educate Adolescents on Contraceptive measures & STIs

(d): The State/UT-wise number of ASHAs trained is detailed at Annexure IV. A total of 15,577 ANMs have been trained in IMNCI, 71823 in NSSK, 78429 in ARSH. Training achievement for Staff Nurses and ANMs under SBA Training and IUCD insertion training are 71743 and 99769, respectively.

The state/UT wise expenditure incurred on ASHA training during 2010-11 to 2012-13 (Unto December, 2013) is placed as Annexure –V. No separate expenditure data is maintained for training of ANMs.

(e): The incentives provided to ASHAs at the national level are reviewed periodically. States are regularly requested to ensure timely payment to ASHAs and to set up grievance redressal mechanism to monitor the same.
As regards remuneration to ANMs, the same lies within the purview of the State/UT Governments.