(a) the total energy being generated from various renewable energy sources and its ratio in electrification of the villages in the rural areas of the country;

(b) whether the Government has received proposals in the recent past from some of the State Governments for the electrification of inaccessible and tribal villages in the country;

(c) if so, the details thereof alongwith the action taken thereon,State-wise;

(d) whether the Government has set up any monitoring mechanism to oversee the implementation of various schemes for generation of renewable energy sources; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): It is estimated that around 31.7 billion units of electrical energy will be generated annually for feeding into the grid through 13450 MW of power generation capacity from various renewable energy sources,installed so far.This electrical energy is fed into the Grid.Most of the electricity fed into the Grid currently is of conventional form.Accordingly,its subsequent division for various uses such as village electrification is not feasible.However,under a separate Programme for Remote Village Electrification,Ministry has provided financial support for creation of facilities of lighting/basic electricity in 8719 villages.Renewable energy technologies used for this purpose include solar photovoltaic homelighting systems and decentralized small hydro and biomass gasification systems.

(b)&(c): Under the Remote Village Electrification (RVE) Programme,proposals are received from the State Governments,for financial support for creation of facilities for lighting/basic electricity through renewable energy sources in eligible remote un-electrified villages and hamlets including tribal villages.Such proposals are sanctioned once they are complete in all respects and are in conformity with the provisions of the RVE Programme, subject to budget provisions.The State-wise details of such proposals received and sanctioned during 2007-08 are given in the enclosed table.

(d)&(e): Implementation of renewable energy Programmes is routinely monitored at different levels. Such monitoring may be carried out by the officers implementing the Programmes themselves,or, through other independent agencies.Further,the Ministry also undertakes independent monitoring and evaluation of Programmes from time to time on a random sample basis through reputed monitoring agencies.