Question : Role of Co-operative in Agriculture Sector

(a) the details of the role played by cooperatives in the agricultural sector;

(b) whether the Government proposes to strengthen the role of cooperatives in agriculture sector;

(c) if so, the steps taken by the Government in this regard; and

(d) the details of the performance of cooperatives in organic farming, milk production, poultry farming and fisheries in different States of the country?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): The role of cooperative sector is important in agriculture sector as it supplies agricultural credit and inputs and has the potential to deliver goods and services in vital areas where state and private sector has not been able to do very much. The village Cooperative Societies provide strategic inputs for the agricultural sector. Cooperative Marketing Societies help the farmer to get remunerative prices, procurement of commodities as an agent of Government of India and Cooperative Processing units help in value additions to the raw products etc. Cooperative are also involved in programmes like fodder development, conservation and genetic up-gradation of indigenous breeds of Livestock etc. The cooperatives are also helping weaker sections of the societies for uplifting in their economy through diary, poultry & fisheries cooperatives.

(b) & (c): Central Government, through Central Sector Scheme on Agricultural Cooperation, Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) and Price Support Scheme (PSS) has been promoting the role of cooperatives in the agriculture sector. Assistance is provided for providing training to farmers who are members and employees of various types of cooperative societies. Besides, assistance is provided to the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) for promoting, developing and financing post-harvest
activities through cooperatives in agriculture sector. These comprise, inter alia, marketing, storage and processing of agricultural produce besides supply of agricultural inputs. Subsidy to the tune of 15% to 25% is provided to Cooperatives depending on the category of state in addition to term loan. Government also provides Guarantee for procurement operations of NAFED.

(d): Such information is not being maintained by this Department.


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