Question : Polytechnic-Women Hostels in Rajasthan

(a) whether the Government proposes to release the amount of Rs. 37.33 crore for opening 15 new Government polytechnics and for construction of 26 women Hostels in the State of Rajasthan;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) if not, the reasons therefor; and
(d) the time by which these new 15 polytechnics and 26 women hostels are likely to be started?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) Grant-in-aid of Rs. 173.17 crores (out of total Rs. 210.05 crores) was released to the State of Rajasthan for setting up of 15 new Government polytechnics and construction of 26 women hostels under the “Sub-Mission on Polytechnics under Coordinated Action for Skill Development” since 2008 onwards. The sub-mission was transferred from Ministry of Human Resource Development to this Ministry in the year 2017. The balance Rs. 37.33 crores shall be released on receipt of utilization certificates and the progress of the work under the respective components.
(d) As per the information received from the State Government of Rajasthan, construction of 23 women hostels out of total 26 is completed and are presently functional. The construction of remaining 3 women hostels is under progress. Also, 13 out of total 15 new polytechnics to be set up are functioning in newly constructed buildings. The remaining two polytechnics are functioning in buildings of nearby polytechnics and these will start functioning in new campuses after completion of construction.

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